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RSE Tools 0.9.1-signed.1-signed

Политика приватности

Rapid-search-engine.com is committed to user privacy and our policy below describes our principles in maintaining user trust and confidence and protecting your personal information.

• Information Collection and Use

Rapid-search-engine.com RSE Tools does not collect or use any personally identifying information at any time. Rapid-search-engine.com site may, however, from time-to-time, collect non-personally identifying information available from your browser when you request a page from our website. This information includes your IP address, your browser type, the URL requested by your browser and the date and time of your query. We use this information to monitor the usage of our website and to improve the quality of our service.

On occasion and in the future, non-personally-identifiable information we collect may be shared with third-parties to provide more relevant services and advertisements to our visitors. For instance, we may share the number of users that have searched for a specific files or clicked on a specific advertisement featured on our site.

We adhere to valid legal processes and may provide information as required by law to protect and defend the rights of our company, and in certain instances, to protect the personal safety of users and the public.

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