Istoricul versiunilor Phoenity Buttons

43 de versiuni

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Aceste versiuni sunt afișate în scopuri de testare și de referință. Ar trebui să folosești întotdeauna cea mai recentă versiune a unui supliment.

Versiunea 5.1 17.9 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 115.0 - 129.0

Supernova update 2, moved all buttons to the Tab Bar.
Re-added Add-ons and Themes button.
Advanced Preferences (about:config) now opens in a tab.
Buttons are now unmovable, may be fixed later.
Set minimum version to Thunderbird 115.0.
Set maximum version to Thunderbird 116.*.

Versiunea 5.0 16.3 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 112.0 - 115.*

Supernova update, removed unused icons.
Moved all buttons to the Tab Bar Toolbar.
Fixed Search Button for Thunderbird 112.0.
Set minimum version to Thunderbird 112.0.
Set maximum version to Thunderbird 115.*.

Versiunea 4.3 46.7 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 91.0 - 108.0

Set minimum version to Thunderbird 91.0.
Set maximum version to Thunderbird 102.*.

Versiunea 4.2 48.4 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 78.0 - 102.0

Fixed Restart & Config buttons for Thunderbird 100.
Set minimum version to Thunderbird 91.

Versiunea 4.1 48.4 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 78.0 - 91.*

Fixed Restart & Config buttons for Thunderbird 91.

Versiunea 4.0b2 48.3 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 78.0 - 78.*

Complete rewrite for Thunderbird 78, support for older versions has been removed.
Currently only a few (unmovable) buttons are available:
- Search Messages, Config Editor, Developer Tools, Preferences & Restart.
- The Restart button is inserted at the end of the Tab Bar.
- The Search Messages button is inserted after the Quick Filter button.
- All other buttons are inserted after the Add-ons button.
- Inserted buttons will disappear if you remove their "parent" button.
- It may be necessary to restart Thunderbird for buttons to move or appear.
For some of the old toolbar buttons separate extensions have been written.

Versiunea 4.0b1 48.3 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 78.0 - 78.*

Complete rewrite for Thunderbird 78, support for older versions has been removed.
Currently only a few (unmovable) buttons are available:
- Search Messages, Config Editor, Developer Tools, Preferences & Restart.
- The Restart button is inserted at the end of the Tab Bar.
- The Search Messages button is inserted after the Quick Filter button.
- All other buttons are inserted after the Add-ons button.
- Inserted buttons will disappear if you remove their "parent" button.
- It may be necessary to restart Thunderbird for buttons to move or appear.
For some of the old toolbar buttons separate extensions have been written.

Versiunea 3.8 59.9 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 68.0 - 72.*

Added tooltips for HTML, Inline and Summary buttons to reflect the state they're in.
Added disabled state for some buttons when there is nothing to show, hide or toggle.
Removed some obsolete opacity rules.

Versiunea 3.7 58.8 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 68.0 - 72.*

Fixed a bug which disabled some buttons after customization.

Versiunea 3.6 58.8 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 68.0 - 72.*

Added Find button (Search messages).

Versiunea 3.5 57.6 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 68.0 - 73.0

Fixed compatibility with the CompactHeader extension.
Fixed descriptions in all supported locales.
Fixed Developer Toolbox button for Thunderbird 72.

Versiunea 3.4 55.0 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 68.0 - 73.0

Added German locale.
Added profile button (open profile directory).

Versiunea 3.3 52.1 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 68.0 - 73.0

Fixed compact headers for Thunderbird 71.

Versiunea 3.2 52.0 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 68.0 - 73.0

Removed Show Title Bar items from the Customize dialogs.
Added about Phoenity Buttons dialog.
Improved support for large & small icons.

Versiunea 3.1 50.5 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 68.0 - 73.0

Fixed support for the chat-toobar typo fix in Thunderbird 69b1.

Versiunea 3.0 50.4 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 68.0 - 73.0

WebExtension only version for Thunderbird 68 and later.
Removed support for versions older than Thunderbird 68.
Removed obsolete Add-ons button now included with Thunderbird 68.
Fixed partial loading of the extension by disabling the startup cache.
Set minimum row, menu and menuitem heights.

Versiunea 2.7 65.4 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 60.0 - 73.0

Fixed javascript errors for HTML, Inline & Summary buttons.
Added restart menu item to the new AppMenu in Thunderbird 68.

Versiunea 2.4 62.3 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 60.0 - 73.0

Added chat-toobar typo fix for Thunderbird 69 and later.

Versiunea 2.3 62.1 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 60.0 - 73.0

Simplified WebExtension support for Thunderbird 63 and later.
Fixed Ukrainian locale for Thunderbird 63 and later.

Versiunea 2.2 106.6 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 60.0 - 73.0

Fixed French & Dutch locales for Thunderbird 63 and later.

Versiunea 2.1 106.6 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 60.0 - 73.0

Fixed first tab border after Pre Tabs Toolbar for Thunderbird 60.

Versiunea 2.0 106.6 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 60.0 și versiunile superioare

Fixed first tab border after Pre Tabs Toolbar when not using Phoenity Shredder.
Removed support for versions older than Thunderbird 60.
Added WebExtension support for Thunderbird 63 and later.

Versiunea 0.62 55.5 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 52.0 - 60.*

Fixed Pre Tabs Toolbar context menu.
Added toggle layout shortcut key [V], cycles through vertical, wide and classic layouts.

Versiunea 0.61 55.4 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 52.0 - 60.*

Added Ukrainian locale.

Versiunea 0.60 53.6 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 52.0 - 60.*

Improved some button icons (HTML, Inline, Summary) to reflect the state they're in.

Versiunea 0.59 50.1 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 52.0 - 62.0

Fixed Pre Tabs Toolbar for Thunderbird 59.
Fixed icon size when not using Phoenity Shredder.
Fixed Customize Toolbar dialog for Thunderbird 59.
Removed Check for Updates menu item.
Fixed Draw Tabs In Titlebar context menu item.

Versiunea 0.58 50.2 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 52.0 - 60.*

Fixed a problem with Thunderbird 58 not reading default preferences.
Disabled large toolbar buttons when not using Phoenity Shredder.
Added Draw Tabs In Titlebar context menu item for Thunderbird 59 on Linux.
Added Developer Toolbox button.

Versiunea 0.57 47.7 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 27.0 - 58.0

Fixed a preferences (nsIPrefBranch) problem for Thunderbird 57.

Versiunea 0.56 47.7 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 27.0 - 56.0

Fixed some button icons.
Added mark group shortcut key [G], marks newsgroup or folder as read.
Added view ignored shortcut key [I], shows/hides ignored threads.
Fixed Check for Updates menu item (not for default & release versions).

Versiunea 0.55 47.5 KiB Funcționează cu Thunderbird 36.0 - 54.0

Improved compatibility with CompactHeader:
- Added Toggle Details shortcut key [D], switches between collapsed and expanded headers.
- Phoenity Buttons' compact view is now disabled when CompactHeader is installed.
- Toggle Details twisty is removed, when CompactHeader is installed.
- Shortcut key [D] invokes CompactHeader, when CompactHeader is installed.
Improved compatibility with Toggle Headers:
- Toggle Headers shortcut key [H] now switches between all and normal headers.
- Shortcut key [H] invokes Toggle Headers, when Toggle Headers is installed.
Added tooltips to the Toggle Details twisty.
Added Dutch locale.
Improved compatibility with the default themes on Linux and Windows.