
Despre mine

Informații dezvoltator
Nume Tomek
Utilizator din Ian. 18, 2009
Numărul de suplimente dezvoltate 0 suplimente
Media evaluărilor suplimentelor dezvoltatorului Neevaluat încă

Recenziile mele


Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

Until 50.1.0 everything was ok. On 51.0.1 can't sync with Google Calendar. Error 400, bad request. Switch back to FF 50.1.0 resolve the problem.

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Download Status Bar

Evaluată cu 4 din 5 stele

Nice but much less options than original predecessor. Has the most important feature - working on FF26 :) But I'd like to see more customization features like choose stripe size and download speed and file size etc. Thanks alot for now and looking forward for updates! :)

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