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Nome Jgsa2007
Usuário desde Nov. 27, 2007
Número de extensões desenvolvidas 0 extensões
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Minhas análises

Allow HTML Temp

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

I've been using it for a couple years now, and it always works as expected.I would like to see a feature added to it where it would automatically show emails in html from a particular email address, maybe some a kind of white-listing capability for the few email addresses I would manually add to the white-list.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (3.6.4).  Esse usuário tem uma análise anterior desta extensão.

Filter SubFolders

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

This Addon is here for historical purpose and reference only.
The subfolder filter author has put comments up that discuss the "applyIncomingFilters" property.
As the author clear stated on their website (see home page URL above, or copy and paste http://www.stroppykitten.com/filterSubFolders/ )


EOL means End Of Life, no longer supported.

Please read the update.
(Don't use this filter on TBird 4 or above, it'll keep going back to Yes for any folder.)

Thanks Craig for the addon, it was a great one.

Allow HTML Temp

Avaliado em 1 de 5 estrelas

I always keep my email default to plain text.
This addon lets me easily switch how I view the emails.
But version 3.0.3 of this addon doesn't follow through, and let me print how I see the email... So for me, this is not very useful. Until that functionality is added, I give it 1 star for starting off in the right direction.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (3.0.3). 


Avaliado em 1 de 5 estrelas

Click the "Visit the support site" link where the developer is still active and helpful.

Please disregard my earlier comments regarding StarMoveContact.
Unfortunately, I had confused StarMoveContact with a different addon that restored the TB1 & TB2 style behaviour for when clicking the "Add to Address Book" and immediately getting the "New Card for ..." dialogue box.

Esse usuário tem uma análise anterior desta extensão.


Avaliado em 1 de 5 estrelas

It worked at first but it hasn't work with Thunderbird 3.1.7 on. Same on both PCs, Emachine WinXP Home, HP WinXP Media Center.
Also the developer's website no longer lists StarMoveContact...
And I did not find a way to contact developer on his website either.
This Mozilla webpage has a "Visit the support site" link, and I've posted this message there. Now we wait.

Redirecionar mensagem (Mail Redirect)

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Great Addon. I've been using it for roughly 4 years and it saves me a lot of hassle. When I forward an email often people reply to me and not the attached forwarded email and this addon helps me avoid the confusion entirely.
I got version from http://mailredirect.mozdev.org/
and it has since automatically updated itself to version :-P

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.7.4). 

Edit As New

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

I highly doubt that the author of this extension cares but I sorta got it working again.
But you should only do the following steps if you accept all the RISKS!!!

I downloaded Edit As New
Then renamed the file name extension from .xpi to .zip
Now I can double click that file and Windows will open it.
I found a file inside called install.rdf I right-clicked it and chose copy.
Then I went back and next to the zip file I pasted install.rdf.
I opened it with notepad and looked for "em:maxVersion"
Once I found them I changed the number to ">3.9.*<"
Saved then closed Notepad, then dragged and dropped install.rdf on the zip file.
Said yes when asked to overwrite and save the changes to the zip file.
Then renamed the file name extension from .zip to .xpi

It seems to be working fine for me under WinXP2 w/TBird3.1.6

It is unfortunate that the author seems to have abandon this addon. It is great for those emails with attachments that we need to send on to a 3rd person, but don't want to mess with re-attaching files, etc.

User Agent Switcher

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

switched to agent -Urban myth or reality???

Mycroft_VII states:
"still tells sites what browser your using, just adds the "switched to" agent to the end, so IE only sites(such as cray) still reject you"

So I go to the GRC.com website, choose "Sheilds Up", and looked up "Browsers Headers"

And it looks fine:
"User-Agent: Mozilla" Etc...
I don't see where it puts the "switched to"

Also tried:

Am I missing something, is the guy who posted the "switched to" on drugs???
How/where did he find this "switched to"???

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.6.11). 

TB Reset Quote Header Extension

Avaliado em 1 de 5 estrelas

How do we get rid of ol' "flying dutchmen" like this?
And since people say it doesn't work with TBird2 I ask what's the point of keeping it around in 2008???

Attachment Sizes

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Attachment Sizes 0.0.8 version is buggy and is not signed!

My review here shows as April 15, 2008 not April 15, 2009!
This is not a bug report as the bugs are long since reported and not fixed, hence a "flying Dutchman".
Not signed and the measurement display are minor but are really the only changes from the 0.0.5 and are pertinent to people deciding to go to the other website and update it or not.

Is there an alternative add-on that displays in KB/kb?
If you still use the 0.0.5 version then stick with it because the "updated 0.0.8" is not worth the time and effort.

Bug: I changed the decimal places to 0 and I still get 1 decimal place
ie "32.7 kB" instead of "33 KB". Bug: The new version has a size bug.

Which someone posted a "corrected" version that seems very, very unofficial...
0.0.8 has only the kB and KiB formats.
I'd like to see KB -1024 and kb -1000 available too.
(KB/MB/GB/TB/PB/etc...) ie. 10676 Bytes = 10.7KB / 11KB, (kb/mb/gb/tb/pt/etc...) ie. 10676 Bytes = 10.4kb / 10kb, (Kb/Mb/Gb/Tb/Pb/etc...) ie. 10676 Bytes = 85408 bits

Technical Note:
KB = KiloBytes = 1024 Bytes, kb = kilobytes = 1000 binary Bytes, Kb = Kilobits = 8192 (1024 Bytes * 8 bits = 8192 Kb)

I changed my rating today because I'm still using (ver 0.0.5) this addon 3+ years later. But I can't be bothered to upgrade TBird (for many reasons).
Anyways this addon seems pretty stable and more reliable then others I've tried.