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FecharAnálise de Developer Assistant por Pedro Bessa
Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas
I tried to create two xpi files with EDE, one from the source code of Site Compare v0.87, an addon that works and is in Mozilla Addons and one from the source code of an extension that I'm developing called Missing Alert. None of them worked.
I took a screenshot of the Error Console:
I double-clicked the link below "it is null" and I took a screenshot from a source code too:
The Site Compare v0.87 source code is at:
The Missing Alert source code is at:
My e-mail is deltrem(because of Delirium tremens)1984(because of my birthdate)*the at symbol*bol (because of Brasil Online)*the dot symbol*com*the dot symbol*br
Please, help me! What should I do?
Para criar as suas próprias coleções, você deve ter uma conta no Mozilla Add-ons.