
Color Transform

Transform the colors of entire web pages or selected elements. Combine predefined themes with basic transforms. Save transforms for specific web domains.

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6 usuários

Show All Body Parts Requer reinicialização

Enable the View | Message Body As | All Body Parts message display mode.

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208 usuários

Element Inspector

In the DOM Inspector,quickly navigate to the any elements

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10 usuários

No Small Text

Set a minimum text size for all web content. Use the toolbar button to switch it on and off. NEW: Three preset sizes. NEW: Use mouse scroll on the toolbar button.

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24 usuários

Perfect View

Image viewer with smooth dynamic zoom, pan and rotate. View slide shows of images or files and capture page elements and tab content. Apply image filters. Save images in various formats.

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13 usuários

Menu On Top (SuperMenu Avatar) Requer reinicialização

Move the Thunderbird menu bar to the top. Choose from a selection of visual styles + colors. Add frequently used bookmarks and an avatar icon without wasting precious screen space. Bookmark your favorite sites, emails, folders or configuration pages.

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338 usuários

Menu Filter Requer reinicialização

Keep your menus in check by filtering out items you never use.

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120 usuários


Colorize entire web pages. Configure themes using sliders and drag-and-drop. Set domain preferences for automatic coloration.

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8 usuários

Window Master

Functionality for multiple screens and windows. Easily open links in other windows or on other screens, move or merge tabs, and move or merge entire windows. With graphical controls for grid positioning.

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4 usuários

Column Reader

Web reader for wide screens and long documents. Read with pleasure in attractive layouts.

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4 usuários

Safe for Amoled

Darkens the background of the page

Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas (19)
2 usuários

Lightweight Themes Manager

Manage your installed personas (lightweight themes).

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25 usuários

Personas Shuffler

Change your Personas theme on each browser load.

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2 usuários


Dynamic creation of bookmark-style toolbar buttons which you can customize.

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10 usuários

Close last tab with middle-click


Tired of middle-clicking on the last tab in Thunderbird, only to have nothing happen? This add-on embraces the industry-standard middle-click behavior of IE, Chrome, and Firefox (3.6- and 31+).

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