Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

Does not work with TB 78.x
Would you please publish an update?

Also please remember options in comboboxes (especially Jira Project) which user chose last time.

Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas

Works in what it claims to do. BUT it overrides the coloring of tagged mails. No go. Disabling this AddOn brings back the colors.

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This behavior is not directly inflicted by the but by a change in the Thundebird's own code.

It happened between Version 63 and 64; with all following versions showing this behaviour.

Please see here for details:


Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas

I can't wait to use this addon, sadly I keep getting the same error while testing the connection:

URL: https://jira.sat.qc.ca/rest/api/latest/serverInfo Error ->403

The certificate is issued by Let's Encrypt so I shouldn't have to do anything on this side. Do you have any hint regarding what I should do to get it to work?

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Avaliado em 1 de 5 estrelas


- installing is ok.
- restart is ok
- preferences setup and tested correctly
- FREEZE my thunderbird when click on:
add-on -> Thunderbird integration for Jira

OS Version: Windows 10 x64
Thunderbird Version: 60.2.1
Jira Version: v7.12.3

Note: I've upgraded Thunderbird from 52.9.1,
then uninstalled it and reinstalled without flushing Thunderbird related files like the ones under AppData.

Please can you fix this?
I hope you can reproduce it.

Thanks in advance.
Giulio Benetti

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Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas

Hi! I have a problem with your addons. Can you help me? When i create issue program show me notification: "URL: http:/mysite.com/rest/api/latest/issue Error ->405 Method Not Allowed" and when i add comment program show me notification: "URL: http://mysite.com/rest/api/2/issue/CACC-131/comment?expand Error ->200 OK". I have latest version thunderbird - 52.6, Jira - 7.5

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Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

Would love this plugin, but we have estimate/remaining estimate as a required field in JIRA. The issue creation screen doesn't have anywhere for estimates to be entered meaning we can't create issues.

Is there anyway around this? Can we add the estimate fields to the issue creation screen somehow?

EDIT: The plugin now does have the time fields I needed, so that's good, but now I can't click the "Next" button, it is always greyed out.

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Hi Mashbo,

although not yet visible, you can access the newest version by accessing the link "View other versions" or use this direct link:


Avaliado em 2 de 5 estrelas

Sadly can't make this work on our setup...
- Thunderbird 31.2.0
- Thunderbird Integration for JIRA
- on Redhat Enterprise 6
- connecting to JIRA v6.1.4#6159

I entered the correct URL and user/pw but only get the following error when clicking on "Test connection":

""URL: https://*****/jira-test/rest/api/latest/serverInfo Error ->0 ""

(Replaced part of the URL with ***)
Which is funny, because if I enter the very same URL in my browser I get some nice json data...

Could it be an issue because we are using self-signed certificates which are rejected by the plugin?

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Please attempt to save the settings first. And then try to connect to JIRA after re-opening the settings dialog.

Sometimes when the add-on is installed for the first time the settings for the password are not stored right away.

Sorry about that ;-\

Oh, and yes, self-signed certificates are blocked directly within Mozilla's code. Please add the certificate to your Thunderbird's own trust store and try again.

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

What I miss in Thunderbird & JIRA cooperation is the JIRA issue key in the separate column. Ie. After successfully creating new issue (or comment), key would be set to the e-mail from which it was created. There also should be possibility to manually set issue key to existing e-mail, linking it with existing jira issue. Issue key should be possible to display as a separate column in message list.

Simpler but still useful replacement would be to add the key to the e-mail subject after issue creation (like EditEmailSubject add-on allows to manually do).

I add issue key to the mails sent ([PROJ-NUMBER] in the end of subject), I also think to add them manually to existing e-mail subject using EditEmailSubject add-on but would love to see some automation of this process.

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Hi Kniaź,

good news, this is actually a planned feature.
I am unsure how I will actually display and store this info, as you can possibly attach one email to multiple issues ...

But it is on the roadmap.

So please keep your add-on up-to date and that feature *will* appear.


Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

Very good. One complaint though: on the "Add comment" dialog, there should be a button or something to retrieve all. Even something like "Enter % for all" would be great. Thanks,

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Hi James,

thanks for the feedback.
Since we have approx. 2000 issues in our JIRA we never thought about this as a feature.
I will look into it and try to implement this asap.


Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Latest version works perfectly well with thunderbird 16.0.2

Thx ! Good plugin !

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Hi MatB,

I am glad to hear it finally worked out for you :-)

Your feedback is appreciated.

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

Very cool Plugin, saves me tons of time! But only two issues:I know you guys are working on required fields. Is there an update available?And second, I'm using the popular Plugin "Thunderbird Conversations". But if I use this, your Plugin is dead and no Popup will be generated. Also is there a Fix available?Thanks in advance!CheersHoshi

I'm using Windows 7 Pro, 64bit and Thunderbird 16.0.2
Hope this helps :)

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.12.14). 

Hi Hoshi,

thanks for the feedback.
As of now, the highest prio lies on attachments. Followed by required fields. The latter is a bit tricky since we need to access some info service.I am planning to decouple this in the near future to speed up the dialog popup.

Regarding the incompatibility with "Thunderbird Conversations", I am going to check it out right now.Would you mind telling me the exact versions and OS you are using?

That would be helpful.

Thanks in advance,Holger

BTW: Please check out the Patch when it is released, thanks.

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

Tested with Thunderbird on Ubuntu 12.04.
When connecting to Jira via HTTPS and using a self-signed cert do not forget to add the CA to Thunderbird key store. If not you get "Login go Jira failed." - which is not verbose enought to point in the right direction.

With Addon version 0.12.14 the attachment of your emails are not added to the new created Jira issue. To the author: This is a feature request ;-) A link to your public issue tracker is missing at your website.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.12.14). 

Hi Daniela,

thanks a lot for the feedback.
I have not tested self-signed certs yet, but will do so to produce a better error message.

Regarding the attachments, this is work in progress. Attachment parsing, displaying and selecting works as of now, but I still need some time to create the last step, uploading them to Jira. The very last part, the Jira part, is well documented, the part in between is a little minefield since it seems to be overly complicated to extract attachments from a mail stream :-(

Pleas stay tuned for updates.


Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas

XP SP3, Thunderbird 13.0

Plugin installed fine, but after configuring it I encountered a problem.

All the fields in the screen for adding the issue are filled in correctly except one.

The 'Issue type' drop down menu remains empty, which in turn grays out the button to enter the issue into Jira (4.2).

Still, this looks like a very promising plug-in for Thunderbird.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.11). 

Hi GeroldM,

have you checked out the latest version?
If it still does not work, can you please post the version numbers of TB and the plugin as well as the OS you are using?
It might be connected to Jira 4.2 though. I will have to check if the call to retrieve the issue types is support ed by 4.2 already.
Cheers, Holger

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

@MatB: I cannot confirm this. I am running Windows 7 (64Bit) on my laptop and have just recently installed TB 12.0.1 and it works out of the box.

Did you configure the user/login/url correctly?
Did you restart TB after the installation of the plugin?

If you leave those fields empty and click on the "Create Jira Issue" menu entry the configuration dialog should pop up immediately.


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Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

nice plugin, it somehow doesnt work with newest thunderbird + Thunderbird Conversations enabled.
The Message Text does not get copied to the comment input field

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.8.8).