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Nazwa | robsku |
Lokalizacja | Helsinki, Finland |
Zawód | Programmer |
Użytkownik od | Lut. 7, 2009 |
Liczba utworzonych dodatków | 0 dodatki |
Średnia ocena dodatków autora | Brak ocen |
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Linux zealot, programmer, likes to read manga and NEEDS new books, loves wide variety of music, specially punk- and heavy-rock, electro.
Moje opinie
Sprawdzanie ortografii i gramatyki – LanguageTool
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I originally tried Grammarly, and while it did work just fine, this doesn't nag me for money to get the full features and quite honestly just looks and feels more pleasing to use.
There may be some things Grammarly does better, like how it can try to determine the tone of your writing might feel to a reader, but honestly I'm not missing anything. Btw, I don't know if it's even available for Thunderbird, I tried both of these first in FireFox and would recommend this.
The only thing I would personally need for giving 5 stars would be Finnish language support — and a quick way to switch between the two languages I use. But I write maybe like 95-99% text on web, and even offline in English, but Finnish is still my native language, so... ;)
Finnish Spellchecker
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Mikä tässä hämmentää, että moni kertoo, ettei uusi rajapinta mahdollista suomenkielen taivutusmuotoja, jne. koska lisäosat ovat WebExtensioneita, ja että ne rajoittavat. Mutta miten?
Minulla on hytinä, ettei taivutusmuodot ole ongelma, mutta koko systeemin joka tunnistaa ne ilman jättimäistä listää joka sanan joka taivutusmuodosta, vaan muodostaa taivutusmuodot sanojen perusmuodoista. Luulen, että tätä tekee moni spellchecker-lisäosa eri kielillä, mutta eikö Voikko ollut erillinen ohjelma, joka asentui lisäosan mukana? Tai piti asentaa lisäosan toimiseksi - ehkä ongelma on, että voikon komentorivi-työkalua ei pysty kutsumaan ja hakemaan siitä tuloksia?
Ehkei vastaavan koodaaminen, forkkaaminen tai porttaaminen WebExtension API:n tarjoamilla JavaScript kielellä toteutettavin keino. Onko Voikko mahdollista portata JavaScript kielelle?
Silloin kyse on vain siitä, että suomenkieleen on ollut niin vaikea tehdä kunnon oikeinkirjoitus systeemiä, paitsi menestyneiden koodarien, jotka toteuttivat Voikon. Hitto, mä en koskaan tule kuvittelemaan ilman älykkäiden ihmisten tukea, että "Suomalainen nimi voisi olla kova". Voikko. No, kunnia rrinomaisesta lisäosasta, mutta pitäisikö laittaa vetoomus, joka lähetetaan Mozillalle kun on kerätty ääniä/nimikirjoituksia, joissa vaaditaan naurettavien rajoitusten poistamiseen - yksi ei ilmeisesti enää voi käyttää voikkoa, toinen lisäosa väittää, että VideoDownloadHelper vaatii Linuxiinkin proprietary helper applicationin, jota se kutsuu... Linux versio ei ennen tarvinnut, kunhan ffmpeg oli asennettu :D Sailasta.
Finnish Spellchecker
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EDIT: Poistin ja lyhensin monta kohtaa, jotka olivat hyvin "rambling". Lisäksi ihan lopussa lisäsin ehdotuksen ideasta, miten tästä spell checkeristä voisi automatisoidulla scriptillä kenties lluoda version helposti lisäämällä yleisimpiä taivutusmuotoja sanoille - lopussa tarkemmin.
Annan 4 tähteä siitä, ettei tämä ole kehittäjän vika - onhan tuo paha vika, ja yksi syy lisää miksi harkitsen yhteen legacy lisäosia tukevista forkeista (ja plugineita - haluan mm. flashin, tosin sitä tulen ajamaan toisella profiililla. Liikaa Flash taidetta (ja ihan hauskaa viihdettä), että se pitäisi täysin hylätä).
Moni loistava lisäosa on kadonnut, osa kuollut mahdottomuuteensa WebExtensionin rajoissa - esim. KeySnail, joka ei koskaan ole AMO:ssa edes julkaisty, mutta se on vähän kuin eMacs meets FireFox - lisäosa, joka pystyi korvaamaan mitkä tahansa pikanäppäimet; halutessa jopa popup ikkunoissa, kuten tulostus, tallennus, etc... Sen lisäksi, konfiguraatio tiedosto oli javascriptiä, samoin pikanäppäinten toiminta oli javascriptiä. Vaikka mukana oli paljon valmiita toimintoja, joita saattoi lisätä, niiden takana oli javascript koodi, jonka pystyi kopioimaan ja muuttamaan - joko kirjoittamalla oman version conffi tiedostoon tai lisäämällä toiminnon ja muokkaamalla koodia jonka lisäosa lisäsi conffi-tiedostoon.
Se antoi käyttäjälle täyden pääsyn lisäosan oikeuksilla javascriptin suorittamiseen - olipa pikanäppäin josta aukesi alareunaan JavaScript prompt, johon saattoi kirjoittaa javascriptiä - ja täydennysehdotukset näkyivät yläpuolella, josta niitä saattoi valita. Kun komennon ajoi, se ajettiin lisäosan sisällä ja samoin oikeuksin.
Olipa vielä jopa tuki lisäosille (eli lisäosa tuki lisäosaan, teoriassa mahdollistaen simppeleiden lisäosien kirjoittamisen KeySnailiin ilmab FireFox lisäosan vaatimia juttuja - vain javascript tiedostona, joka kuitenkin pyörii täysillä valtuuksilla mitä firefox add-oneilla on, toisin kuin esim. GreaseMonkey scriptit, jotka toimivat sivun sisäisten scriptien valtuuksilla. Ehkä AMO ei olisi moskaan hyväksynyt näin avoimet mahdollisuudet antavan lisäosan julkaisemista AMO:ssa. Mukana oli esimerkki lisäosa, HoK, joka on klooni HaH (hit-a-hint) lisäosasta, jonka forkkasi tai uudelleenkirjoitti nimellä LoL toinen julkaisija kun HaH jäi vaille kehittäjän tukea. HoK oli esimerkki miten lisäosa, joka käyttää KeySnailin päätoiminnallisuutta (keybindings -> javascript code) vain omien toimintojensa kutsumiseen, jotka ovat täysin irrallaan KeySnailin toiminnoista - eli lisäosa firefoxiin toteutettuna lisäosana lisäosaan ja käyttäen isäntä lisäosaa keybindingeihin :D
Tämä ei tule enää koskaan olemaan mahdollista - olisin suonut, että legacy add-on systeemi olisi uusittu, koska se kuulemma oli sotkuinen, muttei korvata vaan tuoda WebExtension tuki lisänä - helpompaa, kun Chromium pohjaiset selaimet ovat lähes täysin yhteensopivia Chrome lisäosion kanssa, eikä FireFoxinkaan tukeminen vaadi suuria muutoksia, mutta tämä on typerimpiä esimerkkejä siitä miten merkityksettömäksi Mozzillan kehittäjien suhtautuminen heidän voittaja-ominaisuuteen oli - se nosti FireFoxin, alunperin pelkiltään äärimmäisen pelkistetty selain, joka kuuitenkin oli kaikkea muuta.
Nyt heitä ei kiinnosta kunnon oikeikirjoituksen mahdollistaminen.
Luulen silti, että dictionaryn sijasta ihan perinteisenä lisäosana toteuttamalla kunnon oikeinluku olisi kuin olisikin mahdollista - miksei olisi? Pystyväthän lisäosat itsekin käymään läpi käyttäjän kirjoittamaa tekstiä ja lisäämään konteksti-menuun toimintoja, siinäkin tapauksessa, että olisi mahdotonta tehdä niin, että kun valitsee Suomen kielen niin selaimen omat oikoluku-valinnat korvautuisivat...
Lisäosa on hyvä (huomatkaa, lisäosa, ei dictionary - en tiedä mitä eroa niillä on, mutta dictionary on kai lähempänä sanakirjaa kuin lisäosaa - ehkä nekin sisältävät koodia mm. taivutusmuotojen taikomiseen. Suomi ei ole ainoa kieli jota ongelma koskee, on varmasti useita muita (kaikki Suomen sukulaiskielet?), joita ei nykyiseen FireFoxiin saa - ihmettelen vain, kun kerran englannissakin on taivutusmuotoja, kai nämä sanakirjatkin sisältävät koodia, eivätkä joka mahdollista taivutus muotoa - ön ymmärrä, varmaan koska en tiedä mitään sanakirjojen toiminnasta, en ole edes hajullakaan miten lisäosia tehdään. Kielipaketit lienevät simppeleitä, enkä usko, että mitään koodia niissä olevan, vain käännettyjä sanoja ja lauseita itse selaimen käyttöliittymästä. Mutta ihmetyttää kyllä tuo haluttomuus olla kehittämättä oikeinlukua.
FireFoxin ylivoimaisesti suurinl ja aluksi ainoa kilpailuvaltti on aina ollut valtava laajennettavuus. Selainhan oli aluksi lähes riisuttu kaikesta turhasta, mutta jo hyvin alussa oli selvä, että toiminnallisuuden kanssa kun vähänkin etsi lisäosia jäi kilpailemaan vain (vanha) Opera - joka ei ollut bloattia, vaikka siksi haukuttiin. Oli enemmän kuin Mozilla SeaMonkey (vai mikä se selain/email/kalenteri/etc. suite oli) kuin vain selain, mutta sillä erolla, että se oli kuitenkin kevyt ja pienehkö selain loppuunsa asti.
Tulee vaikutelma, ettei Mozilla ole kovin innokas kehittämään WebExtension tukea laajentammalla sen toiminallisuutta - toivon, etteivät luovu vallan kehityksestä - ja on sentään ainoa jossa zoomin voi säätää koskemaan vain tekstiä, Googlehan esim. perusteli etteivät halua käyttäjän sekoavan tuon vaihtoehdon näkemisestä. FireFokiakin on "dumbed down" käyttöliittymän osalta, en vain tiedä mikä tällainen muutos on tehnyt selaimen "helpommmaksi" osata käyttää.
Mutta, rajoitusten varassa, rajoitusten joita Soikko ohdelman kehittäjät eivät ole pystyneet kiertämään - se, että yksi henkilö tekee edes tämän, on arvostettava asia. Annan 4 tähteä, siitä, että joku on viitsinyt tehdä tämän - viides ei ole miinusta kehittäjälle, ainoastaan sille, että alustan vuoksi parempaa on vaikea tehdä. Kaukana tämä on neljänkään tähden lisäosasta, mutta jos vika on alustan rajoituksissa
Tuntuu, että Voikon kehittäjätkin kiersivät jo vanhassa systeemissä aika paljon, sillä hehän käyttivät Voikko ohjelmistoa, kutsuttuna kait firefoxista, muttei suinkaan ajettuna selaimen sisällä olevassa lisäosassa - ei tämä käsittääkseni yleistä ole, tietääkseni kaikki muut "sanakirja" lisäosat vanhaa Voikko-pohjaista lukuunottamatta, on toteutettu ihan ilman mitään ulkoista ohjelmaa kiertämään ongelman. Mitenhän, Video DownLoadHelper vaati (jos halusi lisäosan konvertoivan imuroidun videon eri muotoon) ns. Helper applicationin Windowsissa, mutta kutsui ffmpeg:tä Linuxissa. Nyt WebExtension aikana lisäosa väittää vaativansa sen Linuxillakin, eikä taida olla kyse edes vain konvertoinnissa. Jos he pystyvät kutsumaan sitä "helper application" proprietary suljetun koodin binääriä, miksei yhä ffmpeg:tä ja muita työkaluja joita Linuxilla on ihan oletuksenakin enemmän kuin tarpeen vaikka youtube-dl:n porttaamiseen shell scriptiksi, ainakin melkein :D En tiedä, ehkä siihen on syy, mutta jos he voivat kutsua ohjelmaa, niin tapaa täytyy olla.
Mutta se siitä - kiitos tästä, eiköhän jossain vaiheessa päästä parempaankin, kun joku ensin pykäsi edes jonkinlaisen ratkaisun! :D Hyvää työtä, vaikka olisikin kuinka puutteellinen!
LISÄYS: Olisiko kuinka vaikea ottaa perus taivutusmuodot tästä spellcheckeristä, kirjoittaa scripti joka vaikka etsii sopivimmalta sanakirja sivulta taivutusmuodot (ainakin yleisimmät) joka sanalle, tai käyttää voikkoa tuottamaan taivutusmuodoista listan joka sanalle, jos voikossa on sellainen toiminnallisuus - näin koostaen käännös-sanakirjan oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistukseen himskatisti isommalla setillä sanoja ja niiden taivutusmuotoja valmiina - olisiko ideasta mihinkään??
Games Retro
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Disable Add-on Compatibility Checks
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Until I get KeySnail *possibly* ported (rewritten with same functionality, but not using the code from original straight, just as reference) to the coming "new add-on api" - hopefully this api will support reading keypresses before firefox does anything to them, so can override any regular hotkeys... And there's always bound to be new add-on vs. firefox version issues, so this will be needed... currently many add-ons are incompatible with my Linux Mint 17.1 USB stick, which I boot from some systems...
So this is really needed.
British English Dictionary (Marco Pinto)
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I love this dictionary!
English isn't my native language, so it has nothing to do with me being British or anything, nor is it because I was taught (or learned myself - pretty much most of my English language, after 6th grade (I'm not going to confuse us both by trying to figure out what's the closest word for Finnish public education non-optional (well, generally - home schooling is an example of other ways) 9-year school's first 6 classes (we call them roughly translated "lower class" and "upper class", like "Dude, I'm an upper classer, now realize your folly and treat me like and adult which I'm not" :D), because our family bought the first computer in our household in 1991, between 5th and 6th class - while I was bummed that it wasn't a cool Amiga (just 500 would've been cool - my friend got one at same time, and really started learning anything more than gaming on it after he bought a PC, which was in late 90's so it was cool already, and really the only alternative - yes, nobody I know ever even considered an apple back then).
But I learned a lot with that PC - one thing was that although the original OS (IBM DOS 4 + some weird GUI with IBM Works Office Suite, filemanager called dosshell.exe, tutorial and finally, one tile to get into command line - was all in Finnish, less than 1% of any kind of programs weren't - and most commonly they were English only. When my dad got pirated MS DOS 5, the ROM drive, which showed as D: drive, disappeared with all the IBM DOS 4, and from that 'til '95 (when we bought a new 75Mhz Pentium with, uh, Windows 95 (which I loved - I hadn't used enough of Win3.0 on that 286, I hadn't learned to hate it yet), almost everything including the OS was English.
That's why I still today like to configure my OS to english, but my locale isn't set to en_US, it's en_GB. And it's not because how I learned English, because at school they teach us English the way it's in US, and all the programs defaulted to US English.
It's funny how, at least to me, it seems that the whole world (outside Britain I guess) treat US English as the "proper" and "real" English, while British English seems to be treated as "funny variant, like the one Australians speak." That's just nuts, but what it's about for me, a man who probably writes more US than GB English automatically (which is why I wanted this dictionary), is that British English seems more alive to me. That's it to put it simply. Simply and shortly - yes, that's what this definitely was.
DuckDuckGo (HTML SSL)
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How nice. I moved from Google to Scroogle for simple anonymity. When Big G finally shut them down I considered ixquick, but I had tested it now and then when I used Scroogle and didn't like it.
But ixquick wasted no time to create startpage.com - still my fav., but I have had duckduckgo addon (not plain search provider). I have hotkeys for them. s=startpage, d=duck*2go & ddg=this very one, Duck going on without power of scrpting :D
Session Manager
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Not the first one I install, but once I have AdBlock Plus, NoScript, possibly KeySnail and Tab Mix Plus that's generally when I install this one. Those are my standard minimum setup and Session Manager means that the firefox profile I'm using has been meant for serious use now, not just testing stuff.
Also, a method, other than "save all tabs", to archive certain windows (or "type of" windows - *cough*) is next to awesome - and though there's a nasty joke in there I'm not talking about just "questionable" stuff - I have saved windows folders, for example, for different subjects related to programming.
British English Dictionary (Marco Pinto)
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Thank you - I'm not British, not even my native language is English, but this is computer time - it began from internet some newbies say, but the fact is that there was were little software in any other language than in English in 80's and at least the fist half wasn't much better - and still many programs come English...
So sure, I need English dictionary - I just wanted this one because I like GB English way better :)
Startpage (SSL)
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Indeed, I've been using startpage,com since scroogle,com (similar, but was uglier and lacked features when SP has features google lacks).
And if we ignore the anonymity/super-advanced user individualization techniques Google, FB, etc. use, what I really love (though as feature it's side-effect of anonymity) is that I'm guaranteed to get same results with every browser everywhere - as long as they don't rightfully change with some fitting better or worse to the terms,,, and with most my friends using this and duckduckgo, I can say which to use (I use duckduckgo also, it has it's benefits) and what search terms to use - and THEY WILL get the right results =) It's like back in the -95, man! :D
Save Images
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Awesome, but a feature I need to give 5 star rating (I did give 4) is to check linked images that don't link to image (so called thumbnails) and be able to load that link, parse it for the large version of the thumbnail and add it to set...
Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku ( Zoom
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With using "Zoom Text Only" and ocassionally having to zoom just individual images on page or just images loaded as is this extension in a life-saver.
Session Manager
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Unfortunately there is no perfect solution to guarantee saving current session 100% certainly on crash for technical reasons. Not on any browser, it's simply impossible.
That being said, this plugin is the most awesome and reliable on achieving just that. Failure to load previeous session after crash is virtully no-situation - and when it happens you most of time get close enough with latest auto-save.
Thank you - the authors have done their best, and deserve humongous thanks - and top rating!
Adblock Lite
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I won't be installing this to my home computer as I'm still using FF 3.6 and probably will as long as I see no reason (that's important to *me*) to upgrade it. The later versions are memory hogs if you have 100-200 tabs open always.
Why will the support be dropped for 3.6? What features current FF's API offers that Adblock Lite will be needing so badly they can't be written conditionally so that the plugin would degrade gracefully on 3.6 to keep compatibility with it?
If it has remained compatible 3.6 so long, why dropping it now? I can't come up with even a guess what reason there is, feature and/or programming wise, to not keep 3.6 support :/
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Linux version? Thunderbird is available on Linux, the add-ons are coded in JavaScript and thus the only reason to create plugin limited to group of systems, or just one, is if the add-on needs to access something OS specific.
Which would make me very careful, after asking why on earth it needs to do something OS dependant, then I'd forget the plugin *unless* I had *really* strong urge to have what it claims to offer, after which I would check the source code and/or (in any order) test it on FireFox W32 version on wine tracing it's file and other accesses, but I'm an amateur on that last way.
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Customizable keys would make this quite good, combos of keys could, and since it already has them, would make it better than most mouseless plugins IF the 1st step is done, customizable keys.
Now what would make this almost as superb as KeySnail (or Vimperator, though ignorant know not KeySnail can be set up with 100%, or at least 97% of Vimperator functionality - with full programmabality, kinda like in eMacs, providing means to program anything you could do with full plugin because the code is javascript, not eLisp ;)) would be creating key-sequences - for those not knowing emacs I give an example: In my firefox (C=Ctrl, M=Alt/Meta) C-x o will jump to another frame (if on framed page), C-x 1 then again opens currently active frame alone as page shown. Most basic are just combos, not sequences though, but ie. C-x is nothing alone, add C-c to end and it quits FF (or emacs, I tried to make them as similar as possible, and especially in editing text fields or vieving mails the basic movement keys, be they Vim's or eMacses heritage and also selection keys, copy/cut/yank, all keys needed on writing area, no need to move hand to mouse or even arrow keys, etc...
KeySnail has loads of other stuff, but I would give a plugin with customizable key combe sequences, if you then implemented a way to attach piece of code, similar you can use with KeyConfig, then it would be gold grade development, and it's NOT that hard.
The rest is not suggestions for mouseless, just mind food of what the most powerful keyboard optimized plugin can support, for example, the features, expandability, etc. - give it a thought, there is no KeySnail for ThunderBird, but you could do a lot to make situation better, even if you just add customizable keys, just regular key/key-combo (1 normal key, rest 1 to 8 modifiers - most I've seen is 3 modifiers, C-M-S-(somekey) - S means Shift naturally, M is for Meta but on PC's often same as Alt. KeyConfig could add this functionality, but I would need to know what function to call to execute to do what mousless does on Ctrl-d and Ctrl-u to bind them to C-v and M-v - of course I should get quite a lot extra functionality to already grand functionality of KeyConfig with Functions for KeyConfig, but those are halfway solutions - if you wan to be the first to implement superior kb-only plugin for TB take some of my ideas, maybe look into FireMacs plugin, lamer version of KeySnail, but if you could port that or create similar taking code/ideas from source design at least you would have seriously possibly the best of the kind plugin, probably also enough for all users, I'm not sure if TB users have necessarily any need for KeySnail for TB, the browsers are different...
Not platinum though, KeySnail has some specialities, but it was made to be extensible, it even has plugin system - but those plugins have advantage of having also KeySnail API and functionality available in addition to being easier to do but still can do anything a FF add-on since for FF it's seen just as part of KeySnail.
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You said:
"YesScript is so much better than NoScript, and so under appreciated. It makes NO SENSE to block all websites from using JavaScript and to have to manually allow each and every address. It got so bad with NoScript that almost every new website I visited, I was temporarily allowing scripts, which can be dangerous."
Some of us disagree - sure I still have to enable some scripts now and then and sometimes even disable them (one IT-blogsite was so heavily scripted that my 1,8Ghz processor was not up to it) but it's not that often and I never had to do too much of it. My biggest reason was not paranoia (I trust that Linux I use is hard enough to exploit badly if someone comes up with a way and that this and low share on desktops make pretty sure that script-kiddies have almost so little interest to spoil my day via XHTML+EcmaScript) even though I do very much like to secure my system where ever I can and exploits via websites have become known on all types of operating systems and browsers long before the thing we call JavaScript had evolved to what it is today (a dangerous tool - if used in exploit - as in powerful script language running in users browser)..
And you go overboard when you say that it was dangerous when you so often temporarily allowed scripts on whole site - well, I still say that mostly even simply keeping scripting on is quite safe - I know NoScript warns that it's dangerous and I can't argue as this is really matter of how we individually define what is danger and levels, etc. of it. What you used anyway was "temporarily allow", this YesScript - a good piece of work most certainly - just turns all on or all off.
So it's either "very dangerous" as you say or no scripts at all - at least with NoScript you can just set the plugin to something you would more likely prefer. NoScript->Options and first leaf, "General" and choose the very first (non-recommended if you are paranoid) option "Temporarily allow top-level sites by default" and of the three options defining what by is the site recognized I chose first: "Full address" - I was just testing, this mode was not for me but this way new sites are by default allowed to run scripts. Naturally if they use, for example, ad-scripts from other server and it has been (with good reason) banned then not all scripts on page naturally work - but you can choose not to ban sites lightly and you can unban them too.
For you NoScript set up like this could be a boosted up YesScript though. Sites allowed by default (but that is not written anywhere: temporarily allowed). Now you can "Revoke temporary permissions" (in noscript menu this is site-specific) and it is like in YesScript turning scripts off. Again select "Temporarily allow all this site" and you have turned scripts on again.
So far I only explained how NoScript can be made do just what YesScript - it might be not as pretty for that as one simple icon (I suppose it uses icon) but it's quite well designed. Also one day you bump into zdnet.com blog site of demons, you'd like to read but blocking all scripts will make the site fail and allowing them all will make it crowl. Riiiighhttt.... But you still have, always had, the option to block sites and allow previously denied sites hosting scripts - if we were living days when JavaScript was kept on the site it was used, rarely a document linked to use many different javascript files, in fact mostly provided simply inline within the html file NoScript would have almost nothing to offer over YesScript and only marginally small amount of people would bother with it.
But cross-site scripting is today and there are sites where you might want, you might *need* to block scripts to be able to use the site - yet stopping all scripts altogether will render some of these sites unusable too.
P.S. I am exaggarating but it's not untrue what I have murmured here ;) YesScript is a fine tool but what I wanted was to try prove wrong the bad image your words (I think) were giving to NoScript and point that, used correctly, it can be just as easy as YesScript but with twist for if you suddenly wan't site-specific script-blockings.
I think YesScript *is* great. But if I must compare I would say that YesScript is to NoScript what Lola is to FireBug :o I really think so.
More quote:
"The worst thing is it would only show part of the web page and sometimes hang on loading others. I only need it to block scripts on a few websites, not the entire Internet. The only thing missing is custom website blacklist, that would make this add-on PERFECT. Thanks."
Code is easy - I would propably prefer to start from NoScript source but why not take YesScript, modify it and offer your patch to the author. And if he don't accept it in his add-on you can always fork the project and release your enhanced version with slightly different name. It's just simple javascript and there is literally loads of example code to see around here....
Or... Was this plugin released under open source license?
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If you could add the functionality of HaH (FireFox plugin) for HTML mails... that would be awesome!
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