Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

I've been using it for a long time. Very nice to have the option. Many thanks!

Thank you very much for your review and kind words.
I really appreciate users support!

Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

Тази добавка ще ми помогне ли да отпечатам масово pdf файлове директно към принтера. PDF файловете се получават като прикачени файлове към писмото на имейла и не са от един и същи изпращач.

Thanks for your review!
Right now PrintingTools only prints the main messages. It doesn't deal with attachments. I am hoping to do something like this in my ImportExportTools addon in the future.

Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

Great add-on I find it very useful

Thank you for your nice review!
Glad You find it useful.

Oceniono na 2 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

Tried this extension on a TB 128.3.3esr, KDE with dark theme (including entirely white-on-black TB), read+write e-mails as plaintext only. E-mails would previously print(-preview) black-on-white (i.e., OK for printing and readable).

After installation, print preview shows white fonts on white (body) / selected color (headers) background, regardless of whether TB's override-with-manually-configured-colors was set to "always" or "never".

Deactivated extension, no change. Uninstalled it, still no change. I had to manually delete settings out of prefs.js, *including non-extension-specific ones*, to get the original behavior back.

BACKUP YOUR TB CONFIG before trying this extension.

Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

Chris, thank you for your reply.

I tried all the settings you replied to, but the result remained the same.
All images in the email body are recognized in the Attachments section of the print preview header.

For example: image01.png,image02.png,logo.png,attached.docx,attached.xlsx

There was no problem with TB115.

Is there anything that you think might be the cause?

Ten użytkownik wystawił dla tego dodatku także inną opinię.

I misunderstood your initial comments. I now understand that you were referring to inline images appearing in the header attachments list.

I have reproduced the problem and created an issue in the PrintingTools github repository to work on this.
If you can go to the issue and post a comment with your username you will be able to track, comment and ultimately get a beta fix when I have it.



Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

I used this to make 75 PDF files from emails that I needed to consolidate into a single PDF. I checked the box in Settings to include the Receipt Date, and added the Date to the front of the name of the PDFs created using the code/operator provided in the help file. The app arrives where it will automatically name the files successively, you don't have to mess too much with that. So that combination put the PDFs in my separate folder in order of date and time of arrival (I had sorted them to newest first within TB).

Then, I used my PDF program, PDF-XChange, to consolidate the individual files into a single file. Using Open/New Document/Combine files.../Add Files produced a single PDF with the emails in exact order of date and time of arrival, which gave me an archive of emails over a couple of months time from beginning to end, all very nicely formatted and readable.

I deleted the original 75 individual PDFs and was left with the single file.

I found when I tried to use "Add Folder" instead of "Add Files" that the emails didn't stay in time order. I found when I tried to use the resident PDF program on Windows that it would not generate the files in order by time of receipt at all. Hope this helps.

Oceniono na 1 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

Das ist bestmmt eine tolle, Sache, wenn man erst mal erraten hat, wie das funktioniert. Ich komme nicht drauf und daher macht diese Erweiterung bei mir genau gar nichts. Das heißt, wenn ich den entsprechenden Knopf drpcke, geht gnau dasselbe Fenster auf wie bei der normalen Druckfunktion, und es sind genu dieselben Einstellungen möglich. Von der langen Liste total cooler Features kann überhaupt keine Rede sein. (Ich kann nicht sagen, dass mich das überrascht. Ich verstehe es zwar nicht, aber ich weiß ja, dass es üblich ist, den Anwender im Regen stehen zu lassen.)

Did you look at the help? Did you look at the fairly clear options? Can you ask questions instead of giving such a negative review?

Oceniono na 4 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

PTG is very good. Unfortunately, I can't set the distance of header and footer line from top or bottom. They are always near the page margins (I print A4).
Strange enough when I print to letter format and afterwards let PDF Expert convert the pages to A4 I get a reasonable whiteroom form the margins.
But this is a cumbersome process.
Do I miss something? Thank you very much in advance for your support!

Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (3.0.1). 

Thanks for the review!
This has come up before, unfortunately it seems to be something that just doesn't propagate to the printer drivers.
I am working on the next release and could try some experiments. I will only do this if you post an issue in Github so we can discuss it.

Oceniono na 3 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

die option schrift vergrößern für den Nachrichtenteil funktioniert nicht bei allen emails.

Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (3.0.1). 

Thanks for the review.
Unfortunately not all emails can be manipulated by PTNG. Some text is not changeable.

Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

Feature request: Would be great to add an option that prints just the latest email on the thread, instead of the entire thread. I personally would find this option extremely useful.

Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (3.0.1).  Ten użytkownik wystawił dla tego dodatku także inną opinię.

Oceniono na 4 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

Still a problem with file not found with html help pages even at version 3.0.0. (en-GB locale) Will check in your GitHub for updates. ;)

Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (3.0.0). 

Thanks for the review!
I already have a beta with this fix. There are a few other patches as well.
You can grab it here:


Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

Nella versione 3.0 (con TB 115) non stampa la tabella degli allegati

Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (3.0.0). 


Thank you for the review!

There is an option to hide the inline attachment table.
It sounds like this may be set?
In the options go to the Body (Corpo) tab.
Under the attachments (Allgati) section there is
a checkbox for Hide the inline attachment table
(nascondi l'elenco degli allegati in linea)
This should be unchecked to show the table.

If you still have a problem PLEASE either post
another review or post an issue in the Github
repository :

I would really like to know that this solves your problem
or not.


Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

Up until v2.2.1, I was able to open eml files and use PrintingTools NG to fine tune my printing. In v2.2.2, the PrintingTools NG option is not available for eml files.

Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (2.2.2). 

Thanks for the review, sorry for the issue.
I have beta I am working on. You can track it in the code issues / repository .
Should be able to get into the next beta.


Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

Excellent extension that keeps improving from version to version.
A must to improve email printing or PDF output.
Thank you very much Mister Leidigh ;-)

Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (2.2.1). 

Oceniono na 2 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

Constantly having issues over the last year with pages not loading completely or format issues with only printing partial page.
PLEEEASE give me an alternative Addon to this clunky one.

Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (2.2.0). 

I am sorry you have been having issues with PTNG. I have not been made aware of the problems you describe. Could you please post an issue in the github repository where I can identify and solve problems.
There are many users using PTNG successfully so I am sure we can figure out how to help.
Issues link:


Oceniono na 4 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

in 2.2.0 the printing stops working after one print, restart thunderbird and the same. It's the same as we give mail filtering. with version 2.1.5 it is ok

Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (2.2.0). 

Thank you for your review, sorry for the issue with the new code. Could you post this issue in the Github repository where I can debug the problem :
There we can communicate. If you can give me some more details like the OS and Thunderbird versions as well as the method that failed. I think this was printing through FiltaQuila? Just want to be clear.

I have a beta fix that has also been verified by another user. The release should be out shortly.

Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

Outstanding plug-in that helps take Thunderbird to the next level. With the enhanced integration with the FiltaQuilla plug-in, having the ability to have filters save email messages as PDF files saves a tremendous amount of time. The developer, Christopher, is responsive to questions and suggestions for the plug-ins. A must have plugin-in.

Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (2.1.5). 

Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

Is there a reliable way to print ONLY the 1-st page of the mails without opening the dialog window?

Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (2.1.5). 

I am working on a new Page Options feature right now.
Setting the page ranges is part of this.
I just posted the first test version. It is very raw, but I want to get community input before I go further.
You can get it, comment and track here :

I have a stable and 99% localized beta. It would be great if you tested. Link is at the top of the release issue :

Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

Works great for me because it allows me to hide the headers completely. This means I can print the email in a larger size. Great job!

Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (2.1.5). 

Thanks for the review.
Feedback is always great!

Oceniono na 4 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

Could you insert a function to print "Current Page Only" or "Print First Page Only" to avoid printing all pages in long emails without having to change the settings manually each time in the printing dialogue? That would be great!

Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (2.1.4). 

I am working on a new Page Options feature right now.
Setting the page ranges is part of this.
I just posted the first test version. It is very raw, but I want to get community input before I go further.
You can get it, comment and track here :