Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

Updated review:
Thank you for your response. As a Mint Linux user we are recommended to only use approved versions available in the repository. As the newer version of Thunderbird has not yet been added, I am stuck with 1.15 for now. I have downloaded the older version and this has resolved the issue. Hopefully, in the future, we will see translation within the email itself. Thank you again for your assistance. I will be turning off automatic updates for this add-on.

Earlier review: "Stopped working suddenly. Restarts and re-installs do nothing. It simply no longer appears in the right-click menu. Please fix as this is literally the only option for translation *within* Thunderbird. I will go back to copy and paste to external browser until this gets updated."

Developer's response: "Hello,
The issue has been identified, more info here:

Basically, you are most likely using unsupported version of Thunderbird 115 (or a clone based on this version).
Upgrading to latest version 128 will fix the issue.
Alternatively, you can install the previous version of my addon (5.5) which still works on Thunderbird 115:

But I would strongly recommend upgrading your Thunderbird client as the older version are not receiving security patches.

Best Regards,
Juraj Mäsiar"

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (5.6).  Esse usuário tem uma análise anterior desta extensão.

Hello again :),
There is no need to disable updates. I've already marked 5.6 as compatible with Thunderbird 128, so it won't auto-update existing users.
It was a mistake on my part not changing minimum supported version in the last release.
But seeing how this affect even normal Linux users, I'll most likely tomorrow release 5.7 with backwards compatibility with 115 to fix this mess...
Thanks again for the info!
Best Regards,
Juraj Mäsiar

Avaliado em 2 de 5 estrelas

Works for what it is, doesn't translate the whole mail you have to select the text.Not much more useful than copy paste the text to a translator.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (5.5). 

Sadly, the full email is currently not possible due to missing permissions.
The fastest way to translate text is select it / right click / Translate.
Best Regards,
Juraj Mäsiar

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Best translate extension.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (5.5). 

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

I've been using this plugin for about 2 years now. My overall experience is excellent, it's a very easy to use and really useful plugin.

But, until a few weeks ago I could translate Thunderbird texts normally with one click using Deepl.

Now I can't anymore. The frontend goes dark and doesn't allow me to copy or write anything.

This works again, if I select another translator other than Deepl, such as Google, Yandex, etc.

But, in my case Deepl translates much better than the previous ones.

Is there a way to continue using Deepl, or is it now only paid?


Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (5.5). 

Thank you for reporting this.
I can see the DeepL sometimes tries to display some popup but it's partially blocked.
Try to reopen the translator in a new tab - click the upper right arrow icon. That should help displaying the popup and closing it.
After that, it shouldn't be displayed anymore.
I'll try to release update that fixes this automatically, maybe tomorrow or during the week.
Best Regards,
Juraj Mäsiar

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

It's a very helpful!
It really helps when I received emails in Russian and other languages.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (5.5). 

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Very useful and great! thank you.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (5.5). 

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Bona feina!

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (5.4). 

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

Ubuntu24 не работает дополнение это! Да, после того как оставил отзыв, дополнение заработало)))

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (5.4). 

Thunderbird sometimes breaks addons upon installation.
Try to uninstall it, restart Thunderbird and then install it back.
Also, make sure the Cookies are not disabled in the Thunderbird settings.
Best Regards,
Juraj Mäsiar

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Excellent. Thanks for your work.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (5.4). 

Avaliado em 2 de 5 estrelas

Works OK but I don't really understand the usefulness. I hoped it would instantly translate the body of an email with one button click. This just pops up Google translate in a tiny modal, and you have to select text first. I can just copy+paste text into Firefox if I want that... Why is this so highly rated?

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (5.0). 

Sadly, my addon doesn't have permission to access the email text, it can't translate directly after selecting it.
However, what you can do is select the text / right click / Translate selection (in the context menu) and that will open the translator and enter the selected text inside, so you don't have to copy and paste it manually.
I hope this helps :).
Best Regards,
Juraj Mäsiar

Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas

Select long text, context menu is too long. I want it short. Please enable setting max character count of context menu text.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (5.0). 

Avaliado em 1 de 5 estrelas

um nichts besser als den Text gleich zu markieren und im Browser zu übersetzen

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (5.0). 

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Convenient translator. For Thunderbird, there are few like them, one of the best!)

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (5.0). 

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

翻译不好用啊 比不上网易邮箱大师那个

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (5.0). 

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

J'aime le fait d'avoir pu,
dans les paramètres du module,
choisir à-la-fois :

(1) le fournisseur de traduction
(parmi notamment Yandex, Google, Microsoft, DeepL, Baidu et consorts) ;

(2) l'interface d'affichage
dans l'interface propre au module et en restant dans la session d'utilisation en-cours :
un nouvel onglet,
ou une nouvelle fenêtre,
ou une fenêtre flottante ;
sur le site du fournisseur de traduction
et en ouvrant une autre session d'utilisation :
dans un nouvel onglet (dit "sans conteneur")).

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (4.4). 

Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas

Is it open source?

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (3.7). 

Sadly no, none of my addons are open source yet.
I'm working on my addons full-time and I'm trying to make it a working business which seems to be easier with closed source.
But if it helps, I'm official Friend of Addons :)

Best regards,
Juraj Mäsiar

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

Ein sehr gutes Addon zum schnellen und einfachen Übersetzen in TB/BB. Das Popup-Fenster finde ich persönlich fürchterlich aber das ist Geschmackssache.
Was mir noch fehlt ist die Möglichkeit zum festlegen der Fenstergröße, die Auswahlmöglichkeit "Neues Fenster (ohne Container)" und ein Eintrag im Kontextmenü um eine ganze Email zu übersetzen und nicht nur für ausgewählten Text.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (3.6). 

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

This add-on is nearly perfect: it misses one option: to open only a minimum, unobstructive modal, say 250 x 100 pixels, possibly responsive to the translated text. It should only contain the translated text, at maximum the text and the from>to languages as a visual confirmation of the setting.

In any case, thanks for it!

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (3.6). 

Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas

If there is an "&" in the text, it will be cut off there.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (3.6). 

Thank you for the bug report!
I will fix this in the upcoming 3.7 version.
Have a nice weekend :)

Best regards,
Juraj Mäsiar

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Hello Juraj,
it would be easier if you could please take a look at this link:


In this link there are instructions, with screenshots, which inform how the add-on is to be used.
However, with the combination of my Thunderbird Version and the Web-Translate Version which I use,
I do not have these possibilities! The translate icon does show at the bottom right-hand corner…
Here is a segment copied from the above mentioned article:

A new icon will be placed on the bottom right side of the Thunderbird window, which is the translator. When an email arrives that isn’t in your native language, simply highlight the text that’s unreadable and press the small translator icon. The text will show in a new bubble window, from which you can copy from if needed.

Perhaps I have installed the wrong add-on!?!

Hoping that my mail, the link and the screenshot can help!
Kind regards
Colin Huntley

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (3.6). 

Hello Colin,
Could you please send me email with more details so that we can discuss it further?
Mostly, what exactly do you suggest as a solution.
Currently my translator is designed to work with context menu - so select text, right click, select "Translate" and that should open translator popup window with translated text.

Alternatively you can create an issue here and we can discuss it there:

Best regards,
Juraj Mäsiar