Avaliado com 1 de 5 estrelas

Doesn't work - keeps locking up

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

those same buttons all work fine on ff 26

Avaliado com 1 de 5 estrelas

This add-on has been completely abandoned.

I would suggest that you use the other Custom Buttons add-on, which is extremely similar, & kept up to date (FF v22+ as of August 2013)


The forum for that button is located here:


Many of the original CustomButtons2 buttons will work with this CustomButtons add-on.

The people on that forum are usually quite friendly, & the programmers amongst them are usually eager to assist you with your custom button needs---as long as you are kind in like.

Avaliado com 1 de 5 estrelas

need update. I want it, but I have firefox 18

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

this is a great addon..

unfortunately i need help about coding..

i found a few code samples on this page..

but i need something different..

i want a button that simulates keyboard keys..

for example a button that simulates the F11 key..

hows the code to do this ever gotta be?.. thx for help..

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

Just installed on FF10 with 50+ other addons.
The "custombutton://" protocol used in the forums isn't recognized and a horrible bug occurs where an empty panel occupies half the screen...
4 stars rating, because FF10 is very recent, my own FF config might be causing this conflict and i'm hoping you'll be able to fix it...

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

I absolutely LOVE this feature! Especially the page up/down! says it's not compatible with newer version, but you have the option to add it anyway and it does work! just a pain to have to do every time Firefox updates and I forget how, lol

Este utilizador tem uma revisão anterior deste extra.

Avaliado com 1 de 5 estrelas

I tried both Custom Buttons and the websites were down for days. It wasn't even possible to see if they really could do anything or not. It appears that the makers have abandoned them. Doing my best Dr. Mccoy imitation: "It's dead Jim!"

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

this add on is the only reason i do not want to upgrade to firefox 4 or 5guys i do not write software but your add on is the only one that makes firefox really worth itwhat needs to be done to bring it back to life?
I should hope the mozilla guys understand that lots of updates is fine but if their differentators (eg this add on) are not following then they are the same as the rest. might as well join chrome or ie.
windows 7 has buttons like this why does firefox 5 not have them?

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Somebody please bring this back.. I would do it if I knew how but coding and me well it just doesn't mix.

Avaliado com 3 de 5 estrelas

Good add-on but currently not compatible with Thunderbird 3.1.10

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Sadly this extension seems to have died, the support site domain has expired. If anyone knows different please post something here.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Looking forward to the Fx4 version. Keep it up!

Avaliado com 1 de 5 estrelas

Trying to follow links on the 'button database' alphabetic list on the extension website http://custombuttons2.com/en-us gave bizarre results, finally requiring me to restart my PC before I could shut down Firefox. The site appears to be dangerous and could well be infected.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

where could I find a new button?the cuttomsite2.com is down.

Avaliado com 3 de 5 estrelas

Can anyone tell me what the differences are between Custom Buttons² and Custom Buttons, and why not have just one of them since they both seem to do pretty much the same thing?

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

I love your add-on, but dude, seriously.. Get better web hosting, your site is ALWAYS down..

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

These JavaScript button installers actually give you more than you would expect. Whole chunks of code can be programmed into them. Be careful what you use them for! Apart from that, this is an awesome add-on! :)

Avaliado com 1 de 5 estrelas

this made my menubar stop being able to hide.

Avaliado com 3 de 5 estrelas

This extension is absolutely awesome, the ability to write, share and add new buttons is outstanding. It also is really cool for hackers/developers because it provides a shortcut into firefox extension writing for anyone who'd always wanted to but had feared the learning curve. With this extension you can create your own firefox extension literally by clicking on a button!


The security implications are considerate. I wrote a few buttons by now, and I have to say, a button can do absolutely anything!
A hacker could modify the behaviour of other buttons installed, change the way the custombuttons² extension works (to prevent uninstalling a button for example or hide that its still there) and change firefox behaviour visibly and invisibly. You could write a basically harmless and useful button, which one year in the future loads additional code from a URL that then spies out your VISA card # every time u enter it on a webpage and sends it to a russian/chinese server.

Buttons are just links, not signed and not trustworthy, yet with all the power of a full fledged firefox extension. Keep that in mind when installing buttons, and always, always, review their code (Which I think is one of the best features of custombuttons2, you can view the code in the rightclick menu of the button install link without installing it :))

I'd give you five stars for this cool extension, but damn, I have the feeling by installing it I just opened Pandora's box >:>>>

@developers. your webpage is down again!