Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas

What a pity !
It worked for a while again, and now no more :-(
I miss it, I miss it :-)
To the developper : would you have an explanation ?
Kind of you if you would have a solution
for this problem :-)
remark : the score would obvioulsy be 5* if it worked...

Avaliado em 1 de 5 estrelas

Sorry to write it, but doesn't work for me (:-
Nor Link Status Redux 2.0 nor Bitacora 1.7...
A pity for me...
I really miss the functionality of this add...
Wrote already a comment a few monthes ago...
But still the same... doesn't work...
I tried the two others mentionned above, and unfortunately again, none of them work with my Fx...
A mistery...
Well, I won't die :-) but still hope that once someone will
create one that will effectively work !

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Unfortunately this super add doesn't work anymore since Firefox 3.6...
I really miss it,
so I pass by every one or two monthes on this page, to see if anything's new...
Still not... (:-
It would be fantastic if you could update it for Firefox 6.0
Very usefull for anyone who makes a lot of research on Internet...
Hope you'll think about, if not too much work for adapting this add for Firefox 6.0...
Best regards from Geneva, Switzerland :-)