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Informações do desenvolvedor
Nome s300pmu1
Usuário desde Fev. 9, 2010
Número de extensões desenvolvidas 0 extensões
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Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

Very good. Allows convenient hotkeys like e.g. Alt+`.
But: using FF8, does NOT close to tray.
Minimizes to tray on hotkey, but if closed, FF just closes.
Please fix it! Otherwise it's a great extension!

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão ( 

MinimizeToTray revived

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

This one is the best so far - it does work with the latest non-beta Thunderbird, and it minimizes to the _tray_ even in Win7.
Its options include minimizing on close which is great.

Now to the shortcomings:
1. No setting to always keep the icon in the tray - once you maximize TB, the icon disappears, and appears upon minimize. Not neat at all. Please add "Always show icon in tray" option.
2. No animated icon on unread mail (like in "The Bat"). It's amazing how there is no mail client which would use this obvious unread mail indicator - you can miss the sound, you can miss the popup, but you can never miss the animated systray icon! Please add this feature.
3. No feature to restore TB on _single_ click on systray icon. Please add as an option as well.

These three obvious features will give this addon a competitive advantage over all others!

Thank you!

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (1.0.1-signed.1-signed). 

MinimizeToTray Plus

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

Great thing it allows icon even when firefox is maximized.

BAD thing is it performs erratically and illogically. E.g. my options are:
- Always show tray icon
- Restore window instead of opening new

- if I close the firefox window, it CORRECTLY minimizes to tray
- if I click tray icon, it maximizes back - which is also CORRECT
- If I click the tray icon when firefox is NOT minimized to tray, ANOTHER firefox window with a blank tab opens (ignoring the TabMix addin's option "Single-window mode", which I have on).

This is really a pain in the posterior, for I am used to the more logical behavior of Maxthon browser, namely: if I click tray icon of maximized browser, it minimizes.

Maybe it's not ill intent but glitches caused by interaction with other plugins and/or by my using portable Firefox, however, they should be fixed somehow, IMHO - I really do hope for that.