
G-Hub Lite

Google Tabs for Thunderbird! G-Hub Lite supports Calendar, Contacts, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Maps, Search, & Voice. Need Google Workspace support (formerly G Suite)? Check out G-Hub Pro:

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3.741 usuários

Windows Taskbar Unread Badge

Put an unread mail count badge on the Thunderbird icon in the Windows taskbar.

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461 usuários

More Snooze

This add allow to customize the snooze delay when snooze popup appears (lightning required).

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687 usuários


Change taskview styles.
Use justify button to read long sentences.
Executed well.

If coupling with TaskDescriptions, it is good enough!

To Hyun-geol who I like.

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10 usuários


Simplifier la lecture de mails en supprimant l'écriture inclusive

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12 usuários

Dark Reader

Tema escuro para todos os sites. Mantenha seus olhos relaxados usando o tema escuro em sua navegação diária.

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9.480 usuários


Notes with rainbow colors.
7 notepads are utilized as several memos if needed.
Or, these 7 notepads are used by days of the week.

February 28th 2021.

Sungho Hwang.

I love God.

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151 usuários

Simple Startup Minimizer

This extension will minimize Thunderbird on startup, it is very simple and I didn't put much work into it but it should work on all platforms. Please let me know if you want more features added into it.

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6.650 usuários

Night and Day Dynamic

A theme that switches between sun and moon based on time of day.

This is the canonical example dynamic theme published by Mozilla:

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1.290 usuários


Thank you to like this add-on up to now.
PasteMarkdown&XHTMLForm ends in Thunderbird version 78s.

Now on, I start development of independent window entity programs.

August 01st 2021.


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5 usuários

Real sender of italian PEC

Shows real sender of italian certified emails (PEC) into the table that lists emails.

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5 usuários

Clacks Overhead

In tribute to the late Sir Terry Pratchett, many users are adding the message "GNU Terry Pratchett" into the email header "X-Clacks-Overhead". Clacks Overhead shows users when this appears in their emails and displays the message included.

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34 usuários

Articles Toolbar

Adds the Articles toolbar

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21 usuários


Display just previous schedule.
Update current time schedule.
Good to update future schedule too.

I thank God through Jesus Christ.

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13 usuários


Adds browser action icon to toolbar to open Google-Web-Search. See

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143 usuários

Disable DragAndDrop (New)

Disable drag and drop on the folder tree in order to prevent unintended folder movement.

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3.215 usuários

Minimize on startup

Minimize thunderbird window on startup!

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3.370 usuários

Dropbox Paper

How Does It Work?
Once you install the add-on, a new icon will appear in the Thunderbird toolbar. Simply click on the icon, and it will open the Dropbox Paper tab.

Will the Dropbox Paper Add-on Collect My Data?

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43 usuários


Dynamic theming of Thunderbird using your Pywal colors.

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280 usuários


When composing an email, CloneMessage allows you to duplicate the current state of the email.

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131 usuários