
Color Transform

Transform the colors of entire web pages or selected elements. Combine predefined themes with basic transforms. Save transforms for specific web domains.

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6 usuários

ThunderPEC Requer reinicialização

ThunderPEC semplifica la gestione della Posta Elettronica Certificata (PEC) e delle comunicazioni PCT e FatturaPA in Thunderbird.

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512 usuários

Copy Folder Requer reinicialização

The missing Thunderbird "copy folder" feature! Copy folders or entire POP/IMAP accounts recursively to any location while maintaining folder structure.

Avaliado em 2 de 5 estrelas (75)
277 usuários

P7MON Requer reinicialização

Abilita la gestione alternativa degli allegati P7M

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas (3)
125 usuários

Contact Photos Requer reinicialização

Displays contact photos in the message header.

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas (31)
101 usuários

Signature /Auto Paste /Prefill Fourms Requer reinicialização

Makes everyday entries to forms & forums simpler!
Add a sig. with just a Rclick of the mouse and select 'Add Sig.' from the context menu.
(Please, note: What you see in the pic is only an example. ThoseRMine Sorry, you have to make your own tabs. )

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas (30)
42 usuários

Perfect View

Image viewer with smooth dynamic zoom, pan and rotate. View slide shows of images or files and capture page elements and tab content. Apply image filters. Save images in various formats.

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas (15)
15 usuários

Unified Search Requer reinicialização

Unify the global search box and the quick filter box in a new widget (the 'Unified Search Widget') with all filter and search capabilities at once.

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas (28)
18 usuários

Thunderbird Biff Requer reinicialização

This add-on provides a visual indicator of new Thunderbird mail availability in supported clients (Firefox, Sunbird) and Thunderbird itself. Note: you MUST install this add-on in BOTH Thunderbird and supported clients as there are both client AND ser...

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas (37)
6 usuários

clamdrib LIN Requer reinicialização

"clamdrib LIN" ist wie der Name schon sagt die Weiterentwicklung des Add-on clamdrib, allerdings nur noch für Linux. Sämtliche E-Mails, Feeds und News werden auf Viren und anderes Ungeziefer geprüft und gemeldet. Gelöscht wird hierbei jedoch nichts!

Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas (8)
10 usuários

Forward Requer reinicialização

Adiciona opções "Incorporado ao texto" / "Anexo" ao botão Encaminhar e ao menu de contexto de mensagens

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas (25)
132 usuários

SavedSearchThemAll Requer reinicialização

A Thunderbird extension to automagically extend all the saved searches to all the foders!

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas (2)
18 usuários

TitleCase For Thunderbird Requer reinicialização

Transform strings into Title Case, Proper Case, Start Case, Camel Case, Upper Case, and Lower Case. Highlight your text and only changing what you highlighted.

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241 usuários

ThunderPlunger Requer reinicialização

Sorry but this addon is no longer supported in TB 60. See below.

This add-on provides a few new ways to keep Thunderbird clean.

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas (31)
43 usuários


Colorize entire web pages. Configure themes using sliders and drag-and-drop. Set domain preferences for automatic coloration.

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas (14)
7 usuários

Send to Things for Thunderbird Requer reinicialização

Create a new Things task from the current email you are viewing. Opens the quick add dialog with subject and message content pre-filled.

I've created this add-on as a user of Things, it is not created or endorsed by Cultured Code.

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas (1)
2 usuários

Advanced Unread Folders Requer reinicialização

Adds a folder view showing unread folders, including their hierarchy. This is helpful if you have a lot of folders to make sure you don't miss an email, or if you are not happy with the existing unread folders view.

Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas (19)
44 usuários

Reply As Original Recipient Requer reinicialização

Reply with the From: field set to the To: field from the original email.

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas (8)
34 usuários

Column Reader

Web reader for wide screens and long documents. Read with pleasure in attractive layouts.

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas (14)
3 usuários

Get Selected Mails Requer reinicialização

Gets new messages for selected mail accounts.

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas (12)
64 usuários