
Mail Merge

Create and Save or Send Multiple Individual and Personalized Messages from a Draft

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71.553 usuários

Enviar mais tarde

"Enviar mais tarde" agenda o dia e hora que deseja que o e-mail seja enviado.

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108.094 usuários

Signature Switch

Switch the signature on/off or choose a new one from your predefined set.

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55.577 usuários


Add emojis to your e-mails.

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25.738 usuários

Check and Send

Check the message contents and addresses before you send the message...

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22.492 usuários

Automatic Dictionary

Remembers the language you use with a person or group of people, and switches the spellchecker language automatically for you next time. You do not have to do it manually any more. It remembers and switches it for you.

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3.804 usuários


Confirm mail address and attachments based on flexible rules.

(This project was renamed from "Flex Confirm Mail" to "FlexConfirmMail", due to a branding reason.)

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24.409 usuários


Category manager for Thunderbird contacts, also allows to send an email to all members of a category (categories can be used as contact groups).

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7.919 usuários

Identity Chooser

Identity Chooser helps you to always use the correct identity when composing a new email.

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6.309 usuários

Attach from Clipboard

Create file attachments directly from the system clipboard.

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6.423 usuários


Remove the ">" prefix from quote when you make a reply.

[Source code]

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2.305 usuários

Copy Message ID

Adds a button to the message view toolbar to copy the message ID to the clipboard. This is useful when sending email replies via the command line.

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333 usuários

Folder Account

Lets you associate user accounts and identities with specific folders. Great for multiple users who share TB, or for managing mailing lists.

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2.161 usuários

Macro Template

Macro Template is to replace mail templates with macros for date formatting.

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520 usuários

NestedQuote Remover

Remove nested quotes when replying to a mail.

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1.082 usuários

Single Domain

Warns if you send mail from or to a specified domain. If there are multiple accounts in your profile, you can isolate one so that you can't send mail to that domain from outside or vis versa without warning.

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100 usuários


Help in reminding mails to be answer or sent again. Choose a reminder date for each received or send message that are highlighted in the message list, depending on their status (expired, soon to exprire, to be reminded). Sending a reminder is eased.

Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas (27)
755 usuários

✨ Awesome Emoji Picker ✨

Modern, nice emoji picker that you can use to find and select emojis. It will be copied to your clipboard or even directly inserted into the e-mail, when you click on it.

You will certainly like it.

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas (7)
5.098 usuários

Add contact to CC by mentioning in body with @

Use @ to mention somebody on an email to link and add to the CC.

Avaliado em 2 de 5 estrelas (5)
355 usuários


Customizable headers for Thunderbird

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178 usuários