Histórico de versões de MR Tech About:About

13 versões

Tenha cuidado com versões antigas!

Estas versões são exibidas com o propósito de testes e referência. Você deve sempre usar a versão mais recente de um complemento.

Versão 2.4.2 34.0 KiB Funciona com Firefox 0.9 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

Minor version bump

Versão 2.4 34.0 KiB Funciona com Firefox 0.9.3 - 3.0b5pre, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.1.*, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

2.4 - 3/23/2007
Added: Thunderbird*, Songbird and eMusic Download Manager 4.0 support
Added: New locales: be-BY, bg-BG, da-DK, el-GR, fa-IR, he-IL, hr-HR, lt-LT, mk-MK, pt-PT, sv-SE & uk-UA
Updated: bumped Firefox, Netscape, SeaMonkey and Sunbird max version support
Updated: better Sunbird support*
Updated: all existing locales have been refreshed
* still not working 100% but most features do

Versão 2.2 27.0 KiB Funciona com Firefox 0.9 - 3.0a1, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.0

2.2 - 4/20/2006
- Added: "about:about" as a protocol which will list all the currently available "about:" options in a webpage (ala old school Mozilla Suite and Seamonkey)
- Added: Officially added "about:kitchensink" protocol (only menu link is available in Mozilla Suite/SeaMonkey builds)
- Added: If current window/tab is "about:blank" links will load there instead of creating a new tab.
- Added: ro-RO and sk locale translations
- Updated: Now supports up to Firefox 3.0
- Updated: All existing locales have been updated
- Fixed: Default preferences for SeaMonkey and Mozilla Suite are not properly added

Versão 21.0 KiB Funciona com Firefox 0.9 - 1.5.0.*

Minor version bump for Netscape, Flock and Mozilla Suite.

Versão 2.1 21.0 KiB Funciona com Firefox 0.9 - 1.5.0.*

- Added: Now supports Mozilla Suite
- Updated: Changed default target from current window/tab to new tab instead.
- Updated: Locale files should now be properly updated and encoded

Versão 2.0 19.0 KiB Funciona com Firefox 0.9 - 1.5.0.*

- Added: Toolbar icons for about:config and about:plugins
- Added: about:license to menu for newer Beta or test browsers (not available with 1.0.x releases)
- Added: A few more locales and options to localize all menu strings (Thanks to Teo for managing this)
- Added: Now supports Flock browser
- Updated: Now support all newer Firefox development builds up to 1.6
- Updated: Reorganized menus and added small icons to about:config & about:plugins

Versão 1.2.3 12.0 KiB Funciona com Firefox 0.9 - 1.5.0.*

1.2.3 - 9/12/2005
# Updated: Now officially supports Firefox 1.5 Beta and 1.6 Trunk releases
# Fixed: Resolved compatibility issues with Compact Menus extension
# Fixed: chrome.manifest was not updated properly in previous version
# Fixed: de-DE & ru-RU file encoding errors

Versão 1.2.2 12.0 KiB Funciona com Firefox 0.9 - 1.0+

1.2.2 - 8/23/2005
# Added: cs-CZ, es-ES, fi-FI, fr-FR, hu-HU, ko-KR, nl-NL, pl-PL, pt-BR, ru-RU, sr-YU, zh-CN and zh-TW Localizations
# Updated: Common code cleanup and enhancements
# Fixed: Main window overlay for About:About Help menu options was malformed and may have caused issues when selecting menu options

Versão 1.2.1 7.0 KiB Funciona com Firefox 0.9 - 1.0+

- Added: German Translation thanks to Armin C. Schneider
- Fixed: You can now middle-click on the about:config and about:plugin menu options to have them load

Versão 1.2.0 6.0 KiB Funciona com Firefox 0.9 - 1.0+

1.2.0 - 7/6/2005
- Added: Italian (it-IT) localization added, thanks to Andrea
- Updated: Reduced Help menu clutter by moving all about: entries to current About:? menu
- Fixed: Potentional display issue with menu seperator and other Help menu entries

Versão 1.1.1 6.0 KiB Funciona com Firefox 0.9 - 1.0+

# Updated: Now supports Netscape 8.0.2

Versão 1.1.0 6.0 KiB Funciona com Firefox 0.9 - 1.0+

# 1.1.0 - 6/14/2005
# Added: Options dialog to select new window target: Current Window/Tab, New Tab or New Window are the current options available.
# Added: Localization files for translations, etc.
# Added: MR Tech favicon is now shown for About:MR Tech link, whoopie
# Updated: Menu entries are now in lowercase to match the actual commands, for example about:config is not the same as About:Config, so I shouldn't show it that way Smile
# Updated: Major "common" code rewrite to avoid conflicts with my other extensions, this was a pain, enjoy

Versão 1.0.2 3.0 KiB Funciona com Firefox 0.9 - 1.0

1.0.2 - 5/26/2005
# Added about:kitchensink spoof
# Added chrome.manifest for full Firefox 1.1 compatibility

1.0.1 - 5/25/2005
# Fixed: Now opens in current tab, not a new window.