Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Does not work with TB 68.3.1. Would be great if you could get it to work with the latest TB!
Many thanks

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Thank you, but make work on TB 60.5.2 please.

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Please update to TB 60.3.2

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Great piece but please update it to TB 60!!!
Thank you
Best Regards

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Super add-on!
Please make it work with TB 60!

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

I like it very much - please update it to TB 60*

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Can you please update it for TB 60?

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

For me the most basic functions work very good, I am happy with it.

(but I didn't try to change setting by RegEx)

Avaliado em 1 de 5 estrelas

Tantalizing idea. Can't get it to work. Using Windows 10. Is there another app that works?

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

A couple of gotch-yas:

Unfortunately the regular expressions cannot accept the OR operator (| vertical bar) because it is being used internally to delimit multiple expressions.

When testing new expressions the preferences dialog has to be closed and re-opened for changes to be recognised.

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

Does it clean subjects in INBOX and/or incoming messages?
If no, it will be awesome to support incoming messages

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

It is quite irritating, when compiling emails, to deal with a subject line that is cluttered with many RE:'s or FW:'s. I despise the unnecessary time that I have to spend in "cleaning-up" the sloppy subject line of others. I use the subject line to filter, redirect and archive emails extensively. Thus, I always "clean-up" the subject line first, before replying, redirecting or forwarding an email. Thankfully, the 'Clean Subject' extension does it on my behalf and I can continue dealing with the email without the irritation of removing a kizillion RE:'s & FW:'s first. Granted... to "clean-up" one subject line, only waste about 3 to 5 seconds. ...But, when you are dealing with 200 emails on an average working day... you do the math!

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

It's a great extentioin!
However, if it can support muti-byte characters, such as Chinese, it's better.

OK. Chinese is supported by regular expression. E,g;
答复: -> \u7B54\u590D:

So, great!

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Excellent. Does exactly what I wanted.

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Working in the environment of a law office, this is an indispensable add-on.

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

I have used the add-on for a long time, am totally satisfied and can also acknowledge that it works on TB5.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.4.2).  Esse usuário tem uma análise anterior desta extensão.

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Great extension!

Very useful in e-mail threads involving people from countries, where the standard 'Re' and 'Fwd' prefixes are translated into native languages. This extension allows to keep the subject clean without a stack of 'Re' prefixes in different languages.

It seems to be working with Thunderbird 5.0 after adjusting the maxVersion value in install.rdf. No problems noticed so far.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.4.2). 

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

This is awesome ,I've discovered that if you receive a forwarded email from Outlook when using thunderbird by default it keeps the FW: in the email, this means that outlook clients interpret this as a new thread.

Clean Subject removes the FW: (as per outlook) and this means that for people on outlook you get a proper continous thread
and not so many (i.e. NO) broken threads!

Great stuff!!



Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.4.2). 

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Funktioniert bestens - im Gegensatz zum "Subject Cleaner", der leider auch das aktuell erzeugte Re: entfernt, das eigentlich bleiben sollte.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.4.2). 

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Let's say you make a template with the subject line "Hello", then create a message filter to autorespond using the template, a strange thing happens. The autoresponder subject line will not just be "Hello". It will be "Hello (was: XXXX)" where XXXX is the subject line of your autoresponse trigger email. This issue is on Tbird 3.1.6....not sure about previous versions.
Can Clean Subject stop this from happening? Thanks! -greg

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.4.2).