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Nome rlwings
Usuário desde Maio 19, 2017
Número de extensões desenvolvidas 0 extensões
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I am so excited to find this script blocker! ... As the author says, Firefox is safe enough. Blocking all scrips like 'No Script' does is completely unnecessary and borders on paranoia. Creating an unnecessarily complex and frustrating web experience for the average user... This addon is simple and a pleasure to use. It doesn't break websites by default. You simply choose those websites whose scripts annoy you and presto! you are free of them... No surprise browsing blockages as it leaves all other sites alone until you wish to block them! ... This is how a 'No Script' addon should behave... Anyone can use it. Just press a single button on any webpage you want to block and it's done...

God I hope the author plans to make this addon compatible with the upcoming Firefox 57'.

This new addon protocol by Firefox is a pretty controlling venture by so-called open source people.