Bem-vindo as Extensões para o Firefox para Android.
Adicione recursos e estilos extras para tornar o Firefox para Android só seu.
FecharSegurança e Privacidade
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Addons Memory Usage - Button Requer reinicialização
Add toolbar button for about-addons-memory-pm
But not only, also provide shortcuts for :
- Free Memory (needs free memory button)
- Abouts list page (about:about)
- Plugins page (about:plugins)
Avec MyAdFilter, les créateurs de contenus gratuits vous proposent une seule publicité par page. Sinon, bloque toute les pubs.
Der Spam-Filter für Xing! Entfernt störenden Spam aus der Xing-Timeline und den Gruppen.
No Resource URI Leak
Deny resource:// access to Web content: We fill the hole to defend against fingerprinting. Very important to Firefox privacy. A direct workaround for
Un bloqueur de publicité équitable. Préservez le web gratuit en choisissant sur quels sites vous bloquez la publicité.
Modify HTTP Response
Rewrite http response body using search & replace patterns
Bluhell Firewall
Get a faster browsing experience by blocking nasty web resources using Bluhell Firewall, the lightweight Ad-Blocker and Tracking/Privacy Protector.
Click-to-Play Manager
Manages the Click-to-Play domain whitelist.
Redirect Bypasser
Evite redirecionamentos e tenha acesso direto aos sites que você quer visitar.
Remote XUL Manager
Manages the Remote XUL whitelist to allow websites and local files to load XUL content. For versions compatible with Firefox 41 and lower, see All Versions page below.
Para criar as suas próprias coleções, você deve ter uma conta no Mozilla Add-ons.