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32 análises desta extensão
Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas
I've used this extension for years and frequently been frustrated when, after Thunderbird did a version update, it would fail to run or load but fail to connect to
I took off a star because of the requirement to manually edit the installer to amend the version number.
However, using the editing of the .xpi file described in an earlier review and restarting Thunderbird, it works in version 12, loading and connecting to
Avaliado em 1 de 5 estrelas
Of course WW+ has not been compatible for some time without messing with the installation file.
If you are able to pick up the ball from Mr Tech who seems to have abandoned this add-on, PLEASE DO. I would love to have it back.
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Very good and useful addon, but from few day it cannot update the weather data and for this reason is incompatible.
I try using AddOn Compatibility Reporter, but w/o success to make it working!
After decompiling the source as I see the user ID and API key may be not actualized the data provided by
It's incompatible with Thunderbird 7/8.
Can you please be so kind and provide update for this issue? Will be glad to help in something or rewrite a new addon perhaps World Weather + Revived ;)
Thans again!
Avaliado em 2 de 5 estrelas
With add-on compatibility checking disabled, this extension can be installed in Thunderbird 7.0.1. However, the panel displays only a 5-day forecast, not the 9-day forecast pictured in the add-on description. Furthermore, captions below the weather icons show Sunny, Partly Cloudy, Snowy, etc. but not the name of the day.
The panel is placed at the bottom of the folders list, and no provision is made for moving it to a different location. I use the Lightning add-on with the Today Pane appearing to the right of the message panel. I would prefer strongly to have the option to place the weather panel at the bottom of the Today Pane.
Alternately the weather panel could be hidden normally and made to pop up by clicking on the status bar icon. Again, no such option is offered. I like the idea of this extension, but the implementation leaves much to be desired. Uninstalling.
Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas
L'astuce de jfmoyen (traduite par thunderat) fonctionne aussi pour la v7.0.1 :-)
The trick of jfmoyen (translate by thunderat) works with the 7.0.1 version :-)
Avaliado em 2 de 5 estrelas
Seems like this add-on has been abandoned. Not compatible with Thunderbird 7. Wish they would update it for Thunderbird 7
Esse usuário tem uma análise anterior desta extensão.Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas
L'astuce de jfmoyen (traduite par thunderat) fonctionne aussi pour la v5.0 :-)
The trick of jfmoyen (translate by thunderat) works with the 5.0 version :-)
Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas
I found the fix to my problem after making my post. Sorry. It does seem to me that if the only change is to modify an installation file, the author would do that.
Esse usuário tem uma análise anterior desta extensão.Avaliado em 2 de 5 estrelas
It seems useful and interesting but it doesn't work in Sunbird 1.
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Very good addon. Thank you for instructions about Using the addon in TB 3.1.x
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Translation of jfmoyen's comment. The addon works now !!
In response to previous comments: it is perfectly possible to run this extension with Thunderbird 3.1.x, provided they modify a bit the file:
1. Rename the file in world_weather_etc.xpi ... . Zip
2. Open the zip, extract the install.rdf
3. Open install.rdf with a text editor
4. At line 50, in block <em:targetApplication> <! - Thunderbird -> change the maxVersion value and make it 3.1.9
5. It is probably also necessary, in line 9, change the version number (eg 2.4.1b).
6. Save install.rdf and the copy in the zip file to the palces of original install.rdf.
7. Re-register the zip file, rename it to xpi.
8. Install modified xpi file as a regular extension.
Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas
Pour répondre aux commentaires précédents : il est parfaitement possible de faire fonctionner cette extension avec Thunderbird 3.1.x, à condition de modifier un tout petit peu le fichier :
1. Renommer le fichier world_weather_etc.xpi en ... .zip
2. Ouvrir le zip, extraire le fichier install.rdf
3. Ouvrir install.rdf avec un éditeur de texte
4. A la ligne 50, dans le bloc <em:targetApplication> <!-- Thunderbird -->, changer la valeur de maxVersion, et la mettre à 3.1.9
5. Il est probablement aussi nécessaire, à la ligne 9, de changer le numéro de version (par exemple en 2.4.1b).
6. Enregistrer install.rdf; le copier dans le fichier zip à la palce de install.rdf d'origine.
7. Re-enregistrer le zip, le renommer en xpi.
8. Installer le fichier xpi modifié comme une extension ordinaire.
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Ово је веома користан додатак, а мислим и да је тандерберд уз интегрисани календар Lightning право место за преглед временске прогнозе. Из тог разлога овој верзији 2.4.1 додао сам српски превод. Можете га инсталирати одавде: - World Weather+ 2.4.1 са српским преводом.
Очекујем да ће српски превод ускоро бити укључен већ у следеће издање (2.4.2?).
This is a very useful addition and I think that is Thunderbird with integrated Lightning calendar right place to view the weather forecast. For this reason, in this version 2.4.1 I added Serbian translation. You can install it from here: - World Weather + 2.4.1 with added Serbian locale.
I expect that the Serbian translation will soon be included in the next release (2.4.2?) World Weather +.
Thanks for the good add-on,
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Please add support for TB 3.1
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Great addon! Allows tu use bottom free space in left panel in the Classic View.
Would be even better if it could display such information as date, or to customize for how many days in advance we would like to see the weather forecast.
Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas
Therer is a bug that causes high(er) cpu usage.
is the Thread that comsumes the cpu usage if the addon is installed. This Thread does also exist without the addon, but cpu usage is minimal without it.
It makes no difference if thunderbird is open, minimized or in the system tray.
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
I really like this add-on, it is absolutely tiny and has only ever given me a problem when the weather server was not available. Keep up the excellent work, and thank you for making this freely available.
Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (2.4).Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Pretty, works, not bloated, have seen no bugs, placement in TB is perfect, size is configurable, cool feature is to have a small display on status bar to save screen space. I like it.
Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (2.3.4).Avaliado em 1 de 5 estrelas
Either this does not work right (TB or I just don't like the way it uses screen 'real estate.' At first it placed a large square panel at the bottom of the folders list. This - which I had no idea to expect despite reading the documentation - I disliked. The panel functioned but was not controlled by the add-on's options for choosing size of icons & fonts. Then an accidental single click shut this panel & it was never seen again. On the status bar: displayed current weather icons are very squashed horizontally; and was the status bar icon supposed to have a tooltip and/or click to reveal something more? (It didn't.) Add-on needs work, lots of it; not keeping it.
Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (2.3.4).Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas
I like it and keep it installed but when i really need to know what's going on i need to open the real thing the long way.
A few ideas that would be helpful:
- a quick link to (or other editable website) by zip so we could quickly get to hourly detail.
- the option to add a few more zips to watch. travelers & construction workers would dig it.
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