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FecharAnálises de Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus
461 análises desta extensão
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Waterfox 56.2.2 перестал с ним работать. Пришлось обновить ABP на последнюю версию. И не могу найти аналог...
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
I really miss this, since ABP's own block element feature is non-existent on facebook (and only facebook, which sound very suspicious)
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
It works with Adblock Plus 2.9.1 on FF 56.0.2
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Suddenly I realized the EHH has effected my internet life like 20%, and for reason I surf with the Firefox, counts 80%.
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Very Good.
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
In English using translator:
Why is this add-on for Adblock Plus 2.9.1 just super? Because it allows you to configure ad blocking with visual tools, and it's easy: clicked block, clicked the cursor to block on the site and it's already blocked!
Why do not I use Adblock Plus 3.0.2? Because it slows down and blocks very badly, when blocking, additional settings for blocking do not appear. Therefore, I recommend using Element Hiding Helper with Adblock Plus 2.9.1 ( ) and never switching to Adblock Plus 3.0.2.
На русском языке:
Почему это дополнение для Adblock Plus 2.9.1 просто супер? Потому что оно позволяет настраивать блокировку рекламы с помощью визуальных инструментов, а это проще простого: нажал блокировать, нажал курсором что блокировать на сайте и это уже заблокировано!
Почему я не использую Adblock Plus 3.0.2? Потому что он тормозит и блокирует очень плохо, при блокировании не появляются дополнительные настройки для блокирования. По этому я рекомендую использовать Element Hiding Helper вместе с Adblock Plus 2.9.1 ( ) и никогда не переходить на Adblock Plus 3.0.2.
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
I WAS able to install the older version of Adblock Plus thanks to Mr. Trill. I can now use Element Hiding Helper again.
Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas
I could not get the old version of Adblock Plus to install. It was a good idea, Mr.Trill but, execution of this idea was not possible.
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
ITS NOT WORKING -- Here is the solution.. go to or just look for adblocker plus older version 2.9.1 & this will start working again.. the dude who made this addon is cool, thanks to him for making this extension, BUT the dude at adblocker plus are fishy.. they don't like what this extension was doing, so in the next update after 2.9.1 they blockled out this extension code.. so this won't work.. just get the adblock plus version 2.9.1 & you are good to go.. don't leave a bad rating.. its not his mistake ( the guy who made this element hiding extension )
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Muy buena. Para cuando compatible con Firefox Quantum?
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Please update for Quantum. I love this add on. If you're looking for one on Chrome, try CustomBlocker.
Avaliado em 1 de 5 estrelas
its not working on Quantum, so one essential piece of AdBlock is not working for now...
Avaliado em 2 de 5 estrelas
F##king hell why isn't the ctrl+shift+f3 working anymore?
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Helps to make Internet cleaner, but required to be updated.
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Great for hiding some elements that AdBlock can't hide. Now please update to be compatible with the latest Firefox Quantum. Thanks!
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
This add-on makes Add Block Plus much more user friendly, by giving you the ability to "point and click" on exactly what it is you want to block. Unfortunately, it is one of the casualties of Mozilla's update to Firefox v57. The work-around I have chosen is to downgrade Firefox back to v52 ESR and disable Firefox from auto-updating. V57 "broke" more than a dozen of my must-have add-ons, and that is unacceptable, so I will be sticking with Version 52 and will not ever update Firefox again. I want a browser that does what I need it to do, the way I want it to, not the way some programmer thinks is what we all need.
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
This essential component of adblock plus still works with adblock plus version 2.9.1. You can uninstall the new 3.0 versions of adblock plus, which no longer work with this extension, then go to "version history" - "see all versions" - on the main extension page, and download version 2.9.1 of Adblock plus to make this great extension functional again.
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
In Adblock 2.9.1 you could create your own blocking rules, and you can not do that in Adblock 3.0.
Avaliado em 2 de 5 estrelas
Ok well I'm NOT using Quantum ... I'm still using Firefox 56.0.2 and well the newest update to AB+ and now Element Hiding is no where to be found, I used to simply right click and it was there now only the Firefox menu is present ... where is it now>??????
Avaliado em 2 de 5 estrelas
This add-on used to work wonders, but a month or so ago it stopped hiding things permanently(refreshing the page would undo the hiding), and now it will stop working completely with Firefox 57. I don't even use AdBlock anymore, it's kind of useless without Element Hiding Helper. Please update this extension, it could literally make some people's lives much easier.
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