Witamy na witrynie Dodatki dla programu SeaMonkey.
Dodaj dodatkowe funkcje i motywy, by dostosować program SeaMonkey do swoich potrzeb.
O mnie
Nazwa | NomanWarrior |
Użytkownik od | Lis. 20, 2017 |
Liczba utworzonych dodatków | 0 dodatki |
Średnia ocena dodatków autora | Brak ocen |
Moje opinie
Oceniono na 3 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
Otherwise a nice theme but the small text kills it for me, sorry. If text was made larger I'd use it more often.
I do like the other aspects of the theme, though.
Sea Fox
Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
Hi. This extension works fine if you convert it with addon converter, all I did was change max version to 2.49.1 and that's about it really. Also helps if you download and install it manually. Right click on dl link and use "Save target location".
I really like this addon, this and classic ff (which btw also works if you convert it) theme turn sm into the firefox v 3/3.5, it's the first firefox version I ever used. Default sm is ugly for me, it might also be that I'm not used to the default sm style, since I've never used the "Mozilla" browser/internet suite. I have setup sm just the way I like, there are still some things that bother me (nothing to do with this extension however), but overall this addon helps a lot.
If you're considering adopting sm either as your daily browser or just as a backup, this addon is definitely recommended!
Classic Firǝfox theme for SeaMonkey
Oceniono na 4 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
I miss this theme already. SM is one of my secondary web browsers that I like to use. This theme along with Seafox addon really gave seamonkey that "classic" firefox look and feel. Now I'm using past modern, simply because I want something else besides the kind of ugly default sm theme. I also hope seafox is updated as well, since I'm used to the layout of classic firefox.
Thank you!
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