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ZamknijOpinie o Sort and Search Customization Dialogs
18 opinii o tym dodatku
Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
Very nice extension, thank you. works fine on Pale Moon.
(you could upload it on PM's Add-ons site - doesn't have to be Thunderbird-only).
Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
I am using Thunderbird!
I agree with below reviews of Essential addon.
Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
Why wouldn't Firefox just do this in the first place?? Anyway, problem solved by add-on.
Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku ( na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
Do you plan to use WebExtensions in a future release?
Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (, but at the moment I do not see a possiblity to port this to WebExtensions.
So this will soon become a Thunderbird only-addon.
Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
Like others have said the the default Australis random order is a nightmare -- what were the focus groups actually focussing on?!
This extension is a useful time saver when you have a whole lot of buttons. The alphabetical order 'by Add-on' makes it simple to find a particular button.
The 'Search' box makes it even easier to find and filter.
Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
This addon has made the customization tab MUCH more usable (especially after installing things like the "Toolbar Buttons" addon). Now I don't have to slowly scroll through the buttons pane trying to search for that one particular button that I am sure is somewhere in there. Great job on fixing a very annoying problem with Firefox! :-D
Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku ( na 2 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
Great concept which would solve an irritating problem in FF, but adding this, upon first use, disabled my Tree Style Tabs and greyed out my entire menu bar so that is was inaccessible.
Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku ( na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
This is great! Wish I had found it sooner.
Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
Works perfect on Firefox 31. and, you save my life for years.
Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku ( na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
Thank you! I second everything said by frigidio. Ever since I've been using Firefox I've been wanting an extension that did exactly this. I don't know how much time I've spent scrolling through the Customization Dialog Box while thinking "Why can't I sort these how I want? Why can't I search through this mass of button?" Now I finally can. It seems to work perfectly. 5 stars and many thanks.
Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku ( na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
Thank You!!!
Unbelievable that this add-on does not have more exposure. As many years as I have been using Firefox I always wished that they would finally make customizing tool-bars easier as your add-on now does. Maybe it would increase exposure if you gave it a different name, 'Organize Customize', 'Easy Toolbar Customizer', 'Easy Customizer', Customizing made easy'...along those lines.
Anyhow, I am sooo glad that I found your add-on. Thank you so much!
Oceniono na 1 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
Before You Try This - BACK UP YOUR PROFILE
It completely wrecked my vertical tab bar
Lost items from my AIOS Toolbar and moved it
Changed Icons elsewhere
Clobbered Search Bar Autosizer
I thought I was getting a sorted customize button box, what I got was a bunch of tangled zippers - thank God for firefox backup/restore
Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
I've been asking Santa Clause to send this addon for years! Apparently I was a very bad girl until now. :-) The "Toolbar Buttons" addon is a must-have for me but it's quite a PITA finding what you need without this addon.
This extension also makes your life a breeze when trying out new extensions. No more hunting and guessing whether it offers a toolbar icon. It's usually the last icon in the box. When in doubt, do a quick text search to be sure you're not overlooking it.
I love the sort options too... Heck, I just LOVE this addon! Thank you!
Oceniono na 4 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
I edited the old review but it didn't boost the star rating so I am deleting it and writing a fresh one with another star. I think that TB's code is too buggy and I don't play with the add-ons there much anyways. I keep Freezefox only for testing purposes and it is working for both it and Palemoon. Therefore it is time for a star boost. Keep up the good work!
Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku ( na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
This is such a time and nerve saver, especially with the popular Toolbar Buttons 1.0 extension, which adds a wagonload of extra buttons all on its own to make the dialog really confusing. Should be standard FF behaviour!
Many thanks for this excellent piece of work!
Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
So simple yet so very cool and helpful.
Thanks for developing it.
Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
Sort by name or group by add-on? Search? I can't believe no one has done this before. Awesome add-on, absolutely essential.
Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku ( na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
...someone came up with a solution to Mozilla's irresponsible mess in the customize window. I never understood according to what "logic" the icons were arranged. A few seem to have been placed, temporarily, in chronological order, but then those also switched their order unexpectedly. If you had LOTS of icons (e.g. if you are using the "Toolbar Buttons" extension) it could take you minutes until you found your icon, and, admittedly, sometimes I just gave up, unnerved.
This add-on finds the icons already while typing in the search field. It also finds icons, if you type any letters of any part of the icon's name. I wonder whether an optional chronological arrangement of the icons would be possible, though I doubt it. Thousand thanks for this solution!
Thank you for the review. Could you please go to http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=2470925 and explain what you mean with chronological order.
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