Aby wypróbować tysiące dostępnych tu dodatków, pobierz Mozillę Firefox — szybki i bezpłatny sposób przeglądania sieci!
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Wybierz spośród tysięcy dodatkowych funkcji i motywów, by dostosować Firefoksa do swoich potrzeb.
ZamknijWięcej o tym dodatku
Pan allows you to block and hide advertisements on websites. And Pan allows you to use your proxy (http/socks) automatically & efficiently.
With subscriptions and customs rules, Pan will automatically block advertisements and switch your proxy status as well ad proxy servers. And it's very easy to customize the rules with useful features from Adblock Plus. The difference between adblocking rules and proxy rules is that proxy rules group's title shall have the prefix "[proxy]".
While Pan is fully compatible with Adblock Plus' filters, Pan does not have Adblock Plus' aceptable ads feature.