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I couldn't try because there are no option to choose Switzerland.

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J'obtiens en permanence le message :


D'ou cela peut il provenir ?

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Dommage que ce module ne fonctionne plus, car je n'en trouve pas un autre équivalent.
Il fournissait en un clic la distance et la carte (à partir d'une adresse d'origine)
Mais depuis plusieurs mois, la carte ne fonctionne plus : message "The Google Maps Embed API must be used in an
Il serait bien que ce module soit repris. l'idée était très bonne !

Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (1.4.1-signed.1-signed). 

Nouvelle version 1.5 disponible qui résout le problème "The Google Maps Embed API must be used in an
iframe" Merci pour les commentaires

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This is just what I was searching for since ages :) THX!

Some Feedback:
-The Addon settings doesnt allow german umlaute ä,ö,ü (they get saved but are messed up when starting FromToGMAP) although they work fine when I enter it directly in the FromToGMAP distance Popup window
-The Map display doesnt work for me, displays: "The Google Maps Embed API must be used in an iframe."
-The initial distance popup shows a horizontal scrollbar, as the text frame is too widht (http://prntscr.com/60es30)
-Would be nice to have an option to directly show the Itinerary or Map screen without the initial distance popup


Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (1.4.1-signed.1-signed). 

New version 1.5 to solve the issue "The Google Maps Embed API must be used in an iframe."
Thanks for your comments

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Works great. I would suggest adding a miles/ KM option, since it only reports in KM.

Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (1.2.1-signed.1-signed). 

Thanks foxer2010,

This is implemented in the new version v1.4
you can find the v1.4 in : Version information / See complete version history