
Over mij

Naam BlueMods
Locatie India
Beroep Android Apps
Gebruiker sinds jan 9, 2020
Aantal ontwikkelde add-ons 1 add-on
Gemiddelde waardering van add-ons van de ontwikkelaar Nog niet gewaardeerd

In wat meer detail…

BlueMods is an online publisher focusing on Android applications and their mods. The BlueMods blog specifically reports on the business related to tech, analysis of emerging trends in the video gaming niche, and profiling of new applications developers. The platform is a simple WordPress blog, with Justin Gates as the editor-in-chief. Justin Gates also heads the application development department and manages the blog.

BlueMods was founded in December 2018 by Justin Gates, led by four founders who choose to remain anonymous. The motto of the platform is to provide users with high-quality content and working modded applications. In January 2020 Bluemods acquired FruityGamers, a blog that reviews Android applications.

Door mij gemaakte add-ons

Snakes by Bluemods

Classic Snakes game at your fingertips.

Snakes by Bluemods is a free-to-play single-player classics arcade game designed and developed by Justin Gates at The game allows the players to maneuver a snake made up of tiny squares.

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30 gebruikers

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