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PrintingTools 1.3.0 Vereist herstart
door Paolo "Kaosmos"
Adds some options to print messages and addressbooks
Over deze add-on
| TB68 USERS: | PrintingTools NG is the 68 compatible port of this add-on.
This extension for Thunderbird has the aim to improve the printing layout of the mails, with the following features:
- it gives the possibility to have the date of the message in a format similar to the one used in messages panel;
- it can also modify deeply the view of the attachments' list, inserting it in the headers, just after the recipients;
- it can add a border arorund the headers;
- it can hide the headers;
- it can truncate the headers' lines too long;
- it can hide the images in the message;
- it can hide the inline attachments in printing, even if you view them by default;
- it can add the user name before the headers;
- it can delete the card header in addressbook ("Card for");
- it can print contacts with just name and email address;
- it can print addressbook with small fonts. The default value is 10 pixel, but you can change it as you wish;
- it can use a compact format to print from addressbook (with this option and the others you can save up to 40% of paper);
- it can print just selected part of a message;
- it can apply a style (color and size) to the quoted text;
- it can give more options in printing addressbook;
- it can use a font family and a font size in printing messages (for the whole message or just for headers);
- it can hide always extended headers; - it can modify headers order;
- it can set a maximum length for the text lines (default value = 90 characters). This is useful to prevent that very long text lines without newline characters can break the print layout.
Moreover it gives you a fast access to two native functions of Thunderbird, pringing without progress bar and without the printer dialog.
It deletes also automatically in printing the .doc and .rtf attachments wrongly displayed inline, because of a wrong content-type in the message.
You can modify the settings for messages in main window from File --> Printing options and the settings for addressbook from addressbook window in File --> Printing options.
How print just selection in a message: go in File --> Printing options in main window and enable this option. After, select a part of the message and click on "Print" or "Print preview".