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22 versies
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Deze versies worden ter referentie en voor testdoeleinden weergegeven. U dient altijd de meest recente versie van een add-on te gebruiken.
Versie 3.3.2
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
Versie 3.3.0
- minor bugs fixed
- updated NL locale
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
Versie 3.2.4
- disabled saving in PDF format on Postbox;
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
Versie 3.2.1
- fixed a regression in salving in PDF format on some operative systems;
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
Versie 3.2
- disabled saving in PDF format on MAC OSX because of https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1071173
- bugfixes;
- added slovenian locale;
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
Versie 3.1
- new separator between the messages, when you save them in a single text file (you can change the separator with the preference extensions.importexporttools.export.mail_separator);
- possibility to save the messages in Postscript format instead of PDF (to enable it, set the preference extensions.importexporttools.printPDF.fileFormat to the value 1);
- it's again possible to import the mbox file with a non stardad format (for example with the Eudora format), without guarantee of compatibility.
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
Versie 3.0.1
- possibility to save messages in PDF format;
- added a procedure to import a profile (EXPERIMENTAL - not available on Seamonkey);
- fixed some bugs and added new minor features;
- added armenian localization;
- preferences name is now standard: they're under "extensions.importexporttools." and not anymore under "mboximport."
- save of attachments with HTML or text format now includes also EML attachments (Thunderbird 17 or higher required);
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
- fixed a bug that broke export in HTML/text format with attachments in IMAP accounts.
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
- the "ImportExportTools" item is present both in standard menu and in compact menu;
- compatibility of the backup function also with the nightly versions;
- fixed a bug in exporting messages with detached attachments in HTML format with attachments;
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
- fixed some bugs;
- new option to export in CSV format also from "Search and Export"
- export in HTML with attachments now includes also embedded images;
- possibility to activate a log (at present very incomplete). To enable it put the preference "mboximport.log.enable" on true. The log file will be in the profile's directory with the name ImportExportTools.log;
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
- options to export in HTML and plain text, with attachments;
- several bugfixes and enhancements;
- added polish locale;
- fixed a bug in preferences panel.
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
- compatibility with Thunderbird 14 or higher;
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
- capability to import and export folders in "Maildir" format;
- many minor bugs fixed;
- capability to parse date field, formatted according RFC 2047, when importing in EML format;
- restored the correct header's format, when exporting in plain text format with Thunderbird 13 or higher;
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
- partial compatibility with the storage system "Maildir" introduced with TB 12 (coming soon some specific documentation about it);
- fixed a bug with backup function, when there are directories under the root directory of the disk;
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
- added again german locale (thanks to Piotr Niemiec);
- added a check to block import of mbox files coming from Eudora, since Thunderbird can't handle them;
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
- fixed a typo that broke HTML export
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
Versie 2.7
- fixed some bugs;
- possibility to export local folders in zip format (requires Thunderbird 3 or higher);
- possibility to import also emlx files;
- backup working also on MAC OSX;
- possibility to choose a charset for export in plain text and CSV format;
- possibility to have the index also for selected messages;
- possibility to export in plain text format, single file, also from search window;
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
Versie 2.6.4
- possibility to export selected messages in CSV format;
- fixed some minor bugs;
- removed some obsolete locales;
- restored the possibility to export Newsgroup messages in HTML or plain text format (N.B. this could cause a program crash because of bug 692735)
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
- fixed a bug about folder name, when importing mbox files;
- added the preference "mboximport.import.name_add_number" to have always a random number added in folder name, when importing mbox files;
- new code for export in HTML and plain text format, that should be a good workaround for the crash problem with Thuderbird 5 and higher -- > see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=692735.
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
Versie 2.6.2
- some GUI improvements;
- fixed a bug in backup function;
- fixed a bug when mbox filename contains the character "#"
- fixed a bug with the export of selected messages with "Search and export"
- Broncode uitgegeven onder GNU General Public License, versie 3.0
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