harl windwolf

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이름 harl windwolf
가입한 날짜 3월 5, 2007
개발한 부가 기능 수 부가 기능 0개
이 개발자의 부가 기능의 평균 별점 아직 별점 없음

내 검토

Version Number in Add-ons Manager

5점중 3점 받음

The add-on worked fine up to a certain TB version (I'm sorry I don't know which one it was), but as it is now, neither 1.09 nor 1.10 work with TB 45.5.1, and pretty much makes the add-on manager unusable. Every add-on in the list shows the plugins-related buttons instead of the ones supposed to be shown for add-ons, and also all add-ons are described as "(disabled)" and don't show their corresponding icons.

It would be nice to see this fixed.

Focus Regainer Lite

5점중 4점 받음

Whether this add-on works with your flash pages or not, highly depends on the wmode needed to operate that flash, because the add-on changes the wmode and thus renders some significant number of pages unusable while the add-on is enabled (they either don't load at all or they're missing parts or become unresponsive).

There's no risk involved with this - just be prepared that it may not have the same results on every flash page.

There's also not much the add-on can do about that.

Fun Wind

5점중 5점 받음

That dog is great, and the way (s)he kinda seems to dissipate to the left.
The background is a bit too bright for my tabs (which in return makes it hard to find a suitable text colour).
That aside though, it's one of my favourite personas.

YouTube Unblocker

5점중 3점 받음

For me, it works most of the time, sometimes it doesn't and I need to disable it, then reload the page and re-enable it and reload the page so it applies the proxy (possibly a different one but I don't know).
Depending on people's location and the videos (and which YT server they are loaded from, and so on) certain proxies may or may not work. They may all work with one ISP and not work with another, so it isn't necessarily the add-on's fault.
It looks like it basically does what it says, or at least tries its best to do so.

Also, as other people have already mentioned, go to their homepage and load the latest version if it's newer than the one here on AMO. works noticeably better than 0.5.4

Supplement: After installing YouTube Unblocker, there occasionally appears an additional entry in the list of my extensions, it's name is something like "{53749993-9800-4dcd-9f5a-510edbd47675} 0.1" but it's different every time. It can be removed from the list with just one click and definitely originates from YouTube Unblocker. This happens as well when YouTube Unblocker is disabled. Disabling it also opens some kind of tracking link to Google which then just redirects to the Google websearch.
I highly dislike such behaviour. Please reason or remove. Until then, only 3 of 5 possible stars.
Feel free to respond in either English or Deutsch.

이 검토는 현재 부가 기능의 이전 ( 버전에 대한 것입니다. 

Download Status Bar

5점중 5점 받음

Works quite well. Thanks for maintaining this addon (as a continuation of Download Statusbar).

On a side note, anyone having issues with 8.0.0+ not showing the downloads bar at all, might want to install at least version 8.2 (from the complete version history as long as it hasn't been reviewed by mozilla yet). That should fix the bar, at least it did for me.

이 검토는 현재 부가 기능의 이전 ( 버전에 대한 것입니다.