5점중 5점 받음

Regardless of what I wrote I want to thank you and your family for taking care of all those poor animals. It is a proof of gold heart and wise mind. Thank you very much.

If this work is yours and my information was wrong I want to thank you also for your time spend on it. It is very good and it is big challenge to write dictionary in foreign language, even if you know it well.

이 검토는 현재 부가 기능의 이전 (2.37) 버전에 대한 것입니다.  전에 이 사용자는 이 부가 기능에 1개 검토를 했습니다.


My version of the GB speller has over 22'000 new words compared to the one supplied by Mark Tyndall.

I grabbed his version around three years ago and started adding/fixing/deleting words.

That is why it is called a "fork".

If you look at Mark Tyndall's version, you will see that in ten years he only updated it three times, and his updates were only to increase the compatibility version number with FF/TB.

I noticed in your previous review that you have read my homepage. I don't hide it from people. I have taken a military masters and was the first civilian to finish it in my country. I have sent my CV to the Portuguese Intelligence Agencies but they never replied and I believe it was because of my site.

If you were reading my homepage, please read: