10ten Japanese Reader (Rikaichamp)のレビュー
このアドオンには 4 件のレビューがあります
5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています
I have been using this for long time in Firefox, and have been waiting for the Thunderbird version.
This extension basically saved my life :)
Thank you so much! That's so encouraging to hear!
5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています
Awesome!!! I've been waiting for ages for this addon to be made compatible with newer Thunderbird releases. It works great and is a fabulous extension. Thank you so much for getting this to work with TB! Much, much appreciated.
これは以前のバージョン (1.10.6) についてのレビューです。Thank you so much! I'm really glad it's helpful to you. Sorry it too so long to make it available!
5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています
Great, finally for the recent TB!
It works very nice!
Thanks a lot - it really improves daily life!!!
Thank you so much for your encouragement!
5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています
The replacement for the good old Rikaichan is finally up and it's working almost as well, although it's been released a very short time ago. Not to mention that it has additional functions compared to Rikaichan, such as unit conversion etc., although I haven't tested those yet.
Will it be Rikaichan or Rikaichamp or 10-ten, this is basically the best addon for Japanese language ever and actually the best Japanese-English tool ever, even my Casio electronic dictionary doesn't give such perfect translations most of the time, especially for specialized vocabulary, it can translate even phrases containing many words as one item, such as administrative stuff :
配偶者控除 = "tax exemption for one's spouse"
基礎控除 = "basic or standard deduction"
源泉徴収票 = "tax certificate slip / statement of earnings / tax-income certificate"
or many other medical, scientific, industrial vocabulary, or vocabulary used in formal mail correspondence etc.
Thank you so much for your very encouraging comments! That makes it all worth while. Thanks for appreciating that this is a first release too -- there will likely be quite a few rough edges but hopefully we can smooth them out over time.
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