ここで公開されている数千ものアドオンを試すには、無料の高速ウェブブラウザー Mozilla Firefox をダウンロードしましょう!
閉じるhookedontabs さんによる Thumbnail Zoom Plus のレビュー
5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています
At first thank you very much for this very practical add-on! Greatly well done!
At second I want to report a bug here (cause this goes faster for me than registering somewhere else): Sometimes it happens, if you are using Firefox with multiple instances, that after hovering the focus to the referring Firefox gets lost, and the zoomed image is displayed in front of a different instance. This happens often, but not always.
At third I want to make a suggestion for improvement: could you add an option for not zooming, if the image is larger than xxx pixels in height? Because there´s always zooming, even if the image is big enough (screen filling). That would be very great! Thanks in advance!
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