5 つ星中 4つの評価を受けています

This fixed a problem I was having with Thunderbird since the latest update. Each time I started Thunderbird, I was getting tabs from an old session. Even though I closed those tabs after the startup, they kept returning with each new startup. So, I installed this add-on and the old tabs stopped opening. It fixed my problem. I don't know if there are any other reasons for this add-on, but it worked for what I needed it to do.

5 つ星中 3つの評価を受けています

It does its job, but has a side effect/bug: I do not want the message window to appear - ever. In session I can disable it all right with F8, but after TBird restart it is back.

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

Très utile pour les personnes aveugles car il permet de fermer tous les messages déjà ouverts et d'arriver directement au dossier "courrier entrant".

これは以前のバージョン (1.1.1) についてのレビューです。