Syed Salman Ali


タイトル Syed Salman Ali
所在地 Karachi, Pakistan
職業 Web Development | Information Security | System Administration
ユーザー登録日 8月 6, 2013
開発したアドオンの数 0個のアドオン
この開発者のアドオンの平均評価 まだ評価されていません


I am a computer professional with a strong focus on Web Development (LAMP stack), Information Security and System Administration. I am passionate about properly designed, well written and secured applications.

If you are looking for an experienced person to create a new application, to fix security holes into an existing application, or to find out and make sure your application is secure or not then we should get in touch!

I offer:
Web Development
Penetration Testing
Vulnerability Assessment
Linux Server Setup


Urdu Dictionary

5 つ星中 1つの評価を受けています

I was happy when I saw this Urdu Dictionary but it is not compatible with latest version (version 31 at the time of writing) of thunderbird.

これは以前のバージョン (0.64) についてのレビューです。