

タイトル Vanu
ユーザー登録日 7月 7, 2013
開発したアドオンの数 0個のアドオン
この開発者のアドオンの平均評価 まだ評価されていません


Adblock Edge

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

Blocks gmail ads unlike Adblock plus.

Advertising is a dirty, greedy industry. If I want to know about a product I'll search for it. I don't want to be spammed on the web.

I'd rather pay for an adblocker that I can trust than put up with ads.

これは以前のバージョン ( についてのレビューです。 

Startpage (SSL)

5 つ星中 4つの評価を受けています

Google is still the best search engine. There is duckduckgo but it lacks the ability to sort results by date range which is essential to me. Startpage lets me use Google without sacrificing my privacy however I'm knocking off a star because they use GoDaddy (evil Sopa supporters) for their SSL.

P.S. What proside saying about Google leaving a cookie when you use Startpage is totally wrong. They cannot track you through Startpage or set a cookie from a Startpage search. Startpage gets the results from Google then sends them to you. Google doesn't see your IP or anything about you. Even your ISP cannot see what is being searched for as the data to and from Startpage is encrypted.

For extra protection against tracking you should always disallow third party cookies in Firefox and install the DoNotTrack addon from Abine.