
aeroPDF.com Search

This search plugin allows you to search for PDF files with one-click system.

NOTE: This search plugin works only with Firefox application!

週間ダウンロード数 6

Library of Congress Search

Search The Library of Congress catalog.

5 つ星中 3つの評価を受けています (2)
週間ダウンロード数 6


sequere.eu - 検索科学情報、記事、出版物、フルテキストの記事、要約、特許等

週間ダウンロード数 6

Google AppEngine Search Plugin

Search the GAE documents at Google Code website.

週間ダウンロード数 3

Science .PDF

Science in a .PDF file. For researchers, students and people focused on scientific matters. Search through hundreds of accredited scientific journals and plenty of specialized websites.
| www.science.sequere.net |

週間ダウンロード数 2

Science .PPT

Science in a Microsoft PowerPoint .PPT file. For researchers, students and people focused on scientific matters. Search through hundreds of accredited scientific journals and plenty of specialized websites. | www.science.sequere.net |

週間ダウンロード数 2

New York Public Library Search

Search the New York Public Library catalog.

5 つ星中 1つの評価を受けています (1)
週間ダウンロード数 2

Django Docs Search

It is just a simple firefox search plugin which saves you some time when searching the Django documents.

5 つ星中 4つの評価を受けています (3)
週間ダウンロード数 1

Science .DOC

Science in a .DOC file. For researchers, students and people focused on scientific matters. Search through hundreds of accredited scientific journals and plenty of specialized websites. | www.science.sequere.net |

週間ダウンロード数 0

Boston Public Library Search

Search the Boston Public Library catalog.

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Kansas City Public Library Search

Search the Kansas City Public Library catalog.

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Seattle Public Library Search

Search the Seattle Public Library catalog.

5 つ星中 4つの評価を受けています (8)
週間ダウンロード数 0

Chicago Public Library Search

Search the Chicago Public Library catalog.

週間ダウンロード数 0

Science .XLS

Science in an .XLS file. For researchers, students and people focused on scientific matters. Search through hundreds of accredited scientific journals and plenty of specialized websites. | www.science.sequere.net |

週間ダウンロード数 0