
ThunderBrowse 要再起動

Did your friend send you a cool link? Want to read the rest of that interesting article? Don't want to open up your web browser just to view it? You don't have to! Just view it in Thunderbird with ThunderBrowse!

5 つ星中 3つの評価を受けています (155)

Folderpane Tools 要再起動

Allows for customization of the folder pane. Accounts can be rearranged and the startup folder can be chosen.

5 つ星中 3つの評価を受けています (125)

ThreadBubble 要再起動

Make Thunderbird resort threads by date when a new message arrives. *** This add-on is no longer required for new versions of Thunderbird! ***

5 つ星中 4つの評価を受けています (22)

Linux Growl 要再起動

Sends linux notifications using notify-send when a new email or a RSS feed is received.

sudo apt-get install notify-osd

5 つ星中 4つの評価を受けています (1)