5 つ星中 1つの評価を受けています

No doubt this is a useful utility for some. For example someone tried a fraud on my Amazon account. Bought a gift card. Used this facility to cloak warning messages from Amazon. Luckily I use two devices to access my emails. Only one was compromised - the Thunderbird one. I've blocked my credit card in time to limit the damage.

5 つ星中 1つの評価を受けています

System: OS X Mavericks
OS Language: German
MailClient Version: Thunderbird v17.0.7
Installed Add-On Version: 0.2
Does not show any contextmenus to mute threads when activated. Therefore does not work for me.

5 つ星中 3つの評価を受けています

This is a very useful feature that I was really looking for. I've been using it for a few days and am generally satisfied. However, I noticed these issues:
1. When I ignore a message, my TB jumps to view the first unread message. I don't like that. I keep some messages unread on purpose. I'd rather it jumped to the last viewed message, just like deleting a message does.
2. I don't see a column (I checked the available columns) that would indicate an ignored thread like on the video
3. I can't find a way to un-ignore a thread.

Also, as an option, could ignored messages be marked as read? That would avoid the whole problem with the count being wrong.

5 つ星中 4つの評価を受けています

This is very useful, but usability is not perfect: as noted in the known issues, unread ignored messages are still counted as unread.
A good workaround would be to both display the total number of unread messages, and the number of the ones which are NOT ignored.

Anyway, this is pretty useful to me

5 つ星中 2つの評価を受けています

I can't see red icon for muted thread on windows.
So, I can't distinguish muted thread and un-muted thread.