5 つ星中 4つの評価を受けています

Extremely useful and easy to use.

As others have noted, the renaming dialogue produces a spinner, then an "X" and seems to have failed. But, it hasn't actually failed. The renamed mail finally appears right next to the original version, which I then delete.

Unfortunately the above spinner+X process happens at every renaming, and takes between 10-15 seconds, during which nothing else can be done. A significant upgrade would reduce the wait to a second or two.

Thanks for a nice add-on and for listening.

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

EditEmailSubject is simple and perfect. Or at least it was, before being disabled in TB68.

Like many other folks, I ask you to update this extension for TB68. The ability to modify Subjects seems so ordinary and necessary, that I'm insanely frustrated now that it's gone.

I'll also take this opportunity to apologize to the developer for not sending a contribution for your creation. I look forward to rectifying that situation as soon as it returns.

If I had known I was going to lose EES, I would have stayed in TB60.

これは以前のバージョン (2.1.1) についてのレビューです。 

The add-on is now compatible with TB68 as well. It just took a little longer.