

タイトル Kinseek
ユーザー登録日 9月 19, 2010
開発したアドオンの数 0個のアドオン
この開発者のアドオンの平均評価 まだ評価されていません


Single Key Tab Switch

5 つ星中 4つの評価を受けています

Excellent. This is the one feature i sorely missed from Opera when I switched to Firefox back in the day. Having to stretch my fingers for more then one button feels very clunky. This one worked perfectly - and on the 4.0b as well.

I would request you extend the functionality also to have Z and X be Back and Forward respectively. Having CTRL-Z reopen the last closed tab would also be neat. These are the remaining shortcuts i miss and which are easier than the default Firefox's.

これは以前のバージョン (0.2.3) についてのレビューです。