
Google Play Search

You can search easily the Google Play (Android Market)

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週間ダウンロード数 165

Android Visual Search

Search for Android Apps on a Visual App Search Engine by Best Apps Market.
A new algorithm that showcases better, relevant apps and a new visual interface (click on one screenshot to see the next one)
Search is provided by bestappsmarket.com

5 つ星中 4つの評価を受けています (2)
週間ダウンロード数 6

Bubiloop, search & find your mobile apps

With this addon you will be have an ever growing list of mobile applications just a search away. We are constantly indexing new Android, iPhone, Blackberry, and Windows Mobile Apps. Soon, we'll be adding support for Maemo, Symbian, JME too.

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています (7)
週間ダウンロード数 5

Apps - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS)

Apps - The #1 Apps Search Add-on - Search: CNET Android, CNET iOS, iTunes, Google Play, Windows 10 Apps, Windows Phone Apps, Kindle Apps, Chrome Apps, Firefox Apps Binary App Dev (Encrypted & SSL suggestions)

週間ダウンロード数 3

Amazon Video Games + Search Suggestions

Search the Video Games category on Amazon with Search Suggestions.

5 つ星中 4つの評価を受けています (1)
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Search the whole Apple Store / Apple Website

週間ダウンロード数 3


Zembly.com is a new kind of social application development environment. Find services, widgets, apps hosted on zembly using this search tool.

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