ここで公開されている数千ものアドオンを試すには、無料の高速ウェブブラウザー Mozilla Firefox をダウンロードしましょう!
閉じる開発者 Peter J. Sloetjes, MSc.さんからの返信
5 つ星中 4つの評価を受けています
This seems like a cool Add-On but to be honest, all I'm really looking for is a right menu command to move the tab to an EXISTING window..note I'm not talking about the less necessary, yet readily available, New Window..
I figured out how to drag a tab in window A to and already maximized Window B...
But what if Window B is minimized?..what if I want to move the tab to Window C, another minimized window..
The old method, which for some unexplained reason, is no longer included in ff, had a "Move to existing window and then showed the choices of open windows(minimized or not)..we'd just simply click on the one we wanted to move it to and walla..done!
So sad really.....
btw, this is not this developers issue..although I would like to be able to accomplish moving a tab to a minimized window..which I can't seem to figure out how to do with this app
I think the functionality you are referring to was once realized by the "OpenInWindow" extension, but it does not seem to work any more.
It is true that the graphical controls of Window Master cannot be used with minimized windows.
I'll consider restoring the more traditional context menu items for screens and windows in the next version.
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