

InlineDisposition changes the disposition of Content-Disposition response headers from attachment to inline; this prevents servers from forcing the browser to save a file and allows that file to be viewed in the browser, if the browser supports it.

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3 utenti

YouTube Anywhere Player

Watch videos anywhere in cinema mode without leaving the website you're on.

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5 utenti

HD Video Downloader

Download every YouTube video you want and you can download them as Full HD MP4, FLV, 3GP, MP3, M4A and AAC formats.

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12 utenti

WebRTC Permissions UI Toggle Riavvio richiesto

A toolbar button for SeaMonkey to bypass the missing WebRTC permissions dialog and temporarily allow media capture.

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67 utenti

FlashResizer Riavvio richiesto

Makes Flash Movies/Games Resizable, and other enhancements.

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5 utenti

HTML5 Loop Riavvio richiesto

Loop HTML5 Video and Music.

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0 utenti

Video Mouse Wheel

Utilizza la rotellina del mouse per controllare video/audio/qualità dei video. Scegli Flash/HTML5 sulle pagine YouTube, metti in pausa i video sulle schede non attive, utilizzalo anche nei video embedded (incorporati).

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0 utenti

Google Black Bar Menu Classic

This simple script replaces Google grid navigation with old navigation bar.

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0 utenti

Library Exporter Riavvio richiesto

IMPORTANT: This add-on is just for exporting ebooks from EPUBReaders private library. If you want to read ebooks, please install https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/epubreader/.

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1 utente

fixedzoomthumb Riavvio richiesto

Shows Desktop size image when you hover over a thumbnail .Works with many sites including Amazon, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube.

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1 utente

Polskie Radio podcast download

Obsługa wbudowanego playera, aktualizuj: https://addons.mozilla.org/pl/firefox/addon/podcast-polskieradio/versions/0.9

Dodaje opcję pobierania (link "Pobierz") podcastów ze stron Polskiego Radia http://polskieradio.pl/ do plików MP3/FLV na dysk.

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1 utente

Serenatas For You

En 4 pasos envía la serenata, sencillo, seguro y rápido.

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1 utente

Video Pinner

Pins a YouTube video to the page so that it is always visible while you scroll and read comments. Port of Chrome's Video Pinner extension

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1 utente

Rai Smooth Streaming Player (raismth) Riavvio richiesto

Rai.tv live channels, vod and replay contents w/o *light (Silverlight/Moonlight)

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0 utenti

Force HTML5 Video Player at vk.com (ВКонтакте.ру) Riavvio richiesto

Принудительный вызов HTML5 плеера ВКонтакте даже при наличии Adobe Flash (можно отключить это поведение в настройках аддона).
Force load of HTML5 video player of vk.com even when Abode Flash is avaliable.

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1 utente

Autoplay Toggle NonRestartless Riavvio richiesto

This extension performs the same function as Autoplay Toggle, but as a legacy overlay extension. This should work in cases where Autoplay Toggle doesn't. SeaMonkey and Pale Moon are supported.

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22 utenti


Smart Near-Infrared Control.

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1 utente

TwittyTunes Riavvio richiesto

Allows to post your currently playing songs to Twitter with a click. As a bonus, you can also post the websites you're visiting, videos you're watching and more!

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0 utenti

Tuenti Share Riavvio richiesto

Comparte en Tuenti la web que veas al instante. Haz clic derecho sobre la web en cuestión y pulsa Compartir en Tuenti

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1 utente

PDF Viewer for SeaMonkey

A fork of PDF.js with support for SeaMonkey 2.49.x.

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341 utenti