
RequestPolicy Riavvio richiesto

Be in control of which cross-site requests are allowed. Improve the privacy of your browsing by not letting other sites know your browsing habits. Secure yourself from Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and other attacks.

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10 utenti

QuickPasswords Riavvio richiesto

QuickPasswords consente il rapido trasferimento delle password dal Password Manager al blocco degli appunti e alla pagina di accesso ad un sito. In tal modo non è più necessario visualizzarle!

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39 utenti

Bitdefender QuickScan Riavvio richiesto

The quickest way to find out if your computer is infected!
Bitdefender QuickScan is a very fast antivirus scanner, able to determine in a matter of seconds if a system is infected with malware.
More on http://quickscan.bitdefender.com/faq

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3 utenti

KeePass Helper Riavvio richiesto

Adds a hostname, URL, or email account ID to the application's window name (e.g., that of Firefox or Thunderbird) to make it recognizable to password manager utilities like KeePass.

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8 utenti

CensureBlock Riavvio richiesto

This addon blocks sites containing pornographic materials.

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5 utenti

ReloadPAC Riavvio richiesto

Workaround for Bug 351163 (Thunderbird bypasses proxy.pac for first connection).

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1 utente

IsAdmin Riavvio richiesto

Shows whether the application is running with admin privileges, using an icon in the status bar; useful if logged in as an administrator and you use privilege limitation tools such as DropMyRights, RunAs or Windows User Account Control.

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Perspectives Riavvio richiesto

Connect securely to https websites by checking certificates with network notaries. See http://www.perspectives-project.org

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