

Mail Redirect Riavvio richiesto

Permette di reindirizzare i messaggi di posta elettronica

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3.291 utenti

ImportExportTools Riavvio richiesto

Aggiunge vari strumenti per l'esportazione e l'importazione di cartelle e messaggi

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9.179 utenti

3e Calendar Riavvio richiesto

Adds support for 3e calendars

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2 utenti

AutoCopy 2 Riavvio richiesto

Copies selected text to the clipboard automatically.

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24 utenti

Mailopen Riavvio richiesto

Open an email file from the commandline

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3 utenti

PlayFlash 64bit Riavvio richiesto

Flash player plugin - unofficial xpi repack for 64bit browsers. Use when official plugin installer is not suitable. All binary files are copyrighted by their authors and distributed for free.

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45 utenti

GeoLocateFox Riavvio richiesto

If a website contains GeoLocation metadata within the html, GeoLocateFox will use the data to show you the location of the website on a map. If no data is available no map can be...

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0 utenti

About:about Button

A button that lists all the about pages that exist. Some of these pages are also provided as separate buttons.

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2 utenti

Unpacked extension loader Riavvio richiesto

This addon should be useful for addon developers who prefer to work with unpacked exentsions for test purpose.

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1 utente

Add-ons Manager Context Menu Riavvio richiesto

Add more items to Add-ons Manager context menu.

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27 utenti

Web Cache View Plus Proxy Riavvio richiesto

Displays a web cache and/or web proxy view of a web page. You can call it from menu of tab, page context, link context and maybe while page loading.

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3 utenti

Clean Subject Riavvio richiesto

"Clean Subject" cleans the subject from multiple occurrences of subject prefixes such as ("Re: Re-2: Re:") and postfixes that are inserted by other clients. Words like "[SPAM]" can be cleaned as well. These prefixes can be defined in the preferences.

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57 utenti

PlayFlash 32bit Riavvio richiesto

Flash player plugin - unofficial xpi repack for 32bit browsers.
Use when official plugin installer is not suitable.
All binary files are copyrighted by their authors and distributed for free.

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61 utenti

Preferential (New GUID) Riavvio richiesto

Advanced preferences manager for Mozilla-based...

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0 utenti

Free Memory Button

Free unused memory that Firefox is currently using.

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18 utenti

Reddit History

Keeps track of all the submissions you viewed on Reddit

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0 utenti

Flexible Identity Riavvio richiesto

Selects an identity based on the recipients list when sending an email

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255 utenti

XULMine Riavvio richiesto

Game based on Minesweeper by Robert Donner and Curt Johnson.

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2 utenti

Tab Reopener

Reopens the last closed tab.

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1 utente

AutoPager Fixed Riavvio richiesto

AutoPager Fixed is a working version of AutoPager extension for Firefox 36+ (non-E10s mode) to autoload the next page(s) when you scroll pages.


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1 utente