Doesnt Matter

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Nama Doesnt Matter
Pengguna sejak Juni 1, 2008
Jumlah pengaya yang dikembangkan 0 pengaya
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Ulasan Saya

Window Master

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang

It recognizes when there's three monitors, two monitors, one.

It would be great if a keyboard shortcut could move the window to the desired screen or at least the home screen, for when the window is on a monitor that's not turned on.

How much can I donate for that to happen?

Ulasan ini dibuat untuk versi pengaya (6.6.1-signed) sebelumnya. 

Stylish - Custom themes for any website

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang

I don't understand how you can rate this any lowers than five stars.

-It is exactly what you make of it.

Ulasan ini dibuat untuk versi pengaya ( sebelumnya.