Peringkat 4 dari 5 bintang

What I miss in Thunderbird & JIRA cooperation is the JIRA issue key in the separate column. Ie. After successfully creating new issue (or comment), key would be set to the e-mail from which it was created. There also should be possibility to manually set issue key to existing e-mail, linking it with existing jira issue. Issue key should be possible to display as a separate column in message list.

Simpler but still useful replacement would be to add the key to the e-mail subject after issue creation (like EditEmailSubject add-on allows to manually do).

I add issue key to the mails sent ([PROJ-NUMBER] in the end of subject), I also think to add them manually to existing e-mail subject using EditEmailSubject add-on but would love to see some automation of this process.

Ulasan ini dibuat untuk versi pengaya ( sebelumnya. 

Hi Kniaź,

good news, this is actually a planned feature.
I am unsure how I will actually display and store this info, as you can possibly attach one email to multiple issues ...

But it is on the roadmap.

So please keep your add-on up-to date and that feature *will* appear.
