
Словникъ Български

This is a Bulgarian spell-checker based on the historic orthography from 1899 known as "Ivanchevski pravopis". It is using the Mozilla built-in spell-checking engine (hunspell).

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9 pengguna

Google Translate (auto-sr)

Translate text from any language to Serbian with Google Translate service.

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1 unduhan mingguan

Smart Define Search

Add Smart Define to Firefox's search bar. Get a quick access to dictionary and thesaurus when you need to find the best definitions and word meanings.

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1 unduhan mingguan

Interlingua - Spelling dictionary

Dictionario orthographic pro Interlingua.
Spelling dictionary for Interlingua.

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1 pengguna

MyDict Online Chinese-English Dictionaries

MyDict All-in-one Online Chinese-English dictionary integrates all the online dictionaries like, baidu, in one place. As sometimes you need to compare many online dictionaries to get the precise meaning, now you can use MyDict.

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0 unduhan mingguan

CantoDict - Chinese character

Search CantoDict ( for a Chinese character

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0 unduhan mingguan

Translate English to Croatian

Translate English to Croatian with google translate service.

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Translate Maltese to English

Translate Maltese to English with google translate service.

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Kamus DBP

Pencarian menggunakan Kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

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0 unduhan mingguan

ע\ع (Ayn\Ayn) Lookup [former ע\ع Converter] Perlu Mulai Ulang

GP text research tool: transliterates Arabic/Syriac/Aramaic texts to Hebrew writing system, uses Wikipedia as a dictionary utilizing ¨see in anther language¨ links. Interface to dictionaries and encyclopedias. Select a text and use the context menu.

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1 pengguna

Translate English to Estonian

Translate english to estonian with google translate service.

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CantoDict - Example sentences

Search CantoDict ( for an English meaning in the example sentences

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Marshallese spell checker

Spellchecker for Marshallese.

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1 pengguna

Русский и Узбекский словари правописания

Правописание Русских и Узбекских слов. Рус ва Ўзбекча луғатлар имло.

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang (1)
1 pengguna

British-English Dictionary (GB)

A strict British-English spell checker dictionary for Firefox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey. This dictionary only includes words conforming to the preferred standard of British-English spelling.

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang (1)
22.045 pengguna

CantoDict - Unicode value

Search CantoDict ( for a Unicode value

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0 unduhan mingguan

Tagalog Dictionary Search

Searching a Tagalog term in

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Ogden's Basic English Dictionary for Media Perlu Mulai Ulang

A spell checker for Ogden's Basic English.

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1 pengguna

CT Cornish Spell-Checker - SWF

This is a spell-checker for the Cornish language in the Standard Written Form.

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3 pengguna


微软英库 在线词典 在线翻译 英语学习引擎

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