
PatentlyUseful(tm) Patent Application Number Search Engine

Find a Published Patent App at the USPTO by number. Use the EXACT number and DON'T use the leading "US" (e.g. 20040243699 works but US20040243699 doesn't).

Assign the keyword "pa" to this and typing "pa 20040243699" will get you that app.

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang (1)
1 unduhan mingguan

LexisNexis Citation Search

This search-engine add-on can be used to perform the Get by Citation function in LexisNexis (Lexis) to retrieve cases, statutes, law review & journal articles, etc. Must be signed in to a valid LexisNexis account with appropriate subscription access.

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang (1)
1 unduhan mingguan

Westlaw Citation Search

This search-engine add-on can be used to perform the Find Citation function in Westlaw to retrieve cases, statutes, law review & journal articles, etc. Must be signed in to a valid Westlaw account with appropriate subscription access.

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang (2)
0 unduhan mingguan


Use the Helioid categorization based search engine to view and quickly refine your search results.

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang (2)
0 unduhan mingguan

PatentlyUseful(tm) Patent Number Search Engine

Search the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) by Patent Number.

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang (1)
0 unduhan mingguan

South Carolina Case Law Search

South Carolina judicial opinion search

Peringkat 4 dari 5 bintang (2)
0 unduhan mingguan

4th Circuit Search

4th Circuit Opinion Search, advanced type for keyword or phrase

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0 unduhan mingguan

lexisONE Citation Search

This search-engine add-on can be used to perform the Search by Citation feature on lexisONE to retrieve cases. No account is required to perform the search and view the results, but a free lexisONE account is required to read the full text of cases.

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0 unduhan mingguan

Washington State Case Law search

Washington State Judicial Opinion Search

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